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Archive for the ‘safety’ Category

Brainard’s Natural Remedies®

Thursday, November 1st, 2012

Each year, Americans purchase a whopping 600 million pounds of candy to celebrate Halloween. What does this look like? Imagine 16 billion Snickers or 158 trillion pieces of Candy Corn. It has been reported that the average American eats 25 pounds of candy a year, much of which is likely consumed right around this time of year. But while sugar-laden candy sales continue strong, a growing population of heath-conscious individuals and concerned parents are seeking alternative options. Now, thanks to Green America and Brainard’s Natural Remedies All Natural Antacid®, Halloween can be celebrated as fun and healthy with Green Halloween® –a movement for healthier, more eco-friendly traditions.

This Halloween, Brainard’s Natural Remedies is teaming up with Green America as the proud sponsor of their Green Halloween® event. Green America has reached across the U.S.; in 2011 they hosted approximately 30 official public celebrations, where they replaced over 1 million pieces of conventional candy with healthier options. “It is an honor to team-up with Green America in this endeavor that aims to promote good health in celebrating the holidays,” says Elliott Brainard, Founder and President of Brainard’s Natural Remedies.

“Children often experience upset stomach, heartburn and indigestion from eating so much Halloween candy,” explains Brainard. “Fortunately, Brainard’s Natural Remedies All Natural Antacid, tastes good as well as provides the power and health benefits of blueberries. By incorporating the blueberry fiber and along with other essential berry extracts into the antacid, it becomes almost just as easy to eat as candy while providing much needed relief from occasional indigestion, naturally!”

Known for their anti-inflammatory abilities within the digestive tract, blueberries help to reduce the leading symptoms of indigestion, including stomach discomfort. Not only do blueberries aid in anti-inflammatory processes within the stomach, but the high amount of fiber that they contain creates a multitude of benefits for the lower gastrointestinal tract. Along with blueberries, Brainard’s All Natural Antacid is also powered by a unique blend of pomegranate, bilberry, and elderberry extracts. This antioxidant combination aids in the removal of free radicals from the body.

“Being aware of what we eat this holiday season can substantially effect how we feel,” adds Brainard. “Children as well as parents can benefit from this product because it helps with indigestion from the sugary sweets we are adding into our diets.”

About Brainard’s Natural Remedies®

Established in 2010, Brainard’s Natural Remedies All Natural Antacid is the result of a berry fruitful discovery. Founder and President, Elliott Brainard discovered the benefit of using blueberries to relieve stomach discomfort in his own personal life. Upon this discovery, Brainard researched the power of blueberries and other natural ingredients that promote good digestion. His findings led to the production of Brainard’s Natural Remedies, a healthy alternative to help relieve indigestion for everyone.

Currently, Brainard’s Natural Remedies All Natural Antacid comes in a chewable tablet form and is available in a 4 tablet pouch, 10 tablet refillable tube, 30 tablet bottle and 90 tablet bottle. Brainard’s Natural Remedies can be found in health food stores throughout the United States. For a complete list of retail stores, visit


For more information on Brainard’s Natural Remedies, including request for samples and to schedule an interview with Founder and President Elliott Brainard, please contact Rajan De Los Santos at Christie Communications at (805) 969-3744 or ###

2012 Green Halloween Blogfest!

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

2012 Green Halloween® Blogfest

Halloween is fast approaching, and we here at Green America are doing our best to support a Green Halloween® – one that is healthy for you, your families, and our planet. Since we know that you care about kids, families and the planet, we’d like to invite you to participate in our Green Halloween® Blogfest that will be taking place from Wednesday October 24th to October 31st. We hope that our invitation inspires you to share your own ideas about having a Halloween that is both fun and healthy.

For this BlogFest we would like to put a spotlight on the health concerns that have grown around traditional treats that are handed out on Halloween. Halloween is big on fun, but unfortunately, it is also big on unhealthy traditions. Many moms and dads worry about the impact of this holiday on the health of their kids and the planet. There is growing awareness and concern for the connections between children with diabetes, food allergies, and obesity and the presence of processed ingredients, hidden sugars, synthetic chemicals, and artificial colors in our food system.

On the flipside of this, it is easier than ever to find helpful information and make healthy choices. Green Halloween proudly advocates for this and supports a Halloween that is easy, affordable, fun and oh yes, healthy. Green Halloween encourages families to give out healthier treats and non-food “treasures” to trick-or-treaters, and luckily, there are now many awesome options available this Halloween. Green Halloween itself has partnered with these great organizations, whose missions support the Green Halloween goals of showing families that it is possible to keep the fun, while losing the unhealthy, un-Earth-friendly traditions.

We hope that you will join us and share your ideas on what a healthy Halloween means to you. Share with us your thoughts and tips on:

  • How do you make Halloween healthier?
  • Why is it important to think about health when celebrating Halloween?
  • What the challenges are to making Halloween healthier and more Earth-friendly?
  • What are your favorite ways to “Think outside the {conventional} candy box” and provide alternatives to traditional candy? Do you do treasures, have traditions like the “Switch-Witch”, or provide healthy alternatives?
  • Your tips for managing the amount of the junk candy your children consume at Halloween?
  • How has your environmental ethic or interest in health framed your celebration of Halloween?

It’s not about telling parents how they should celebrate – it’s about inspiring them to make choices that make sense to their families, their budgets and their schedules. And when many families make healthier and more sustainable choices for Halloween – taking even the smallest of steps – big impacts can be made for the short and long term.

Please join us in celebrating a Green Halloween.

To participate you can:

  • Write your own post based on our questions. You are more than welcome to use as a resource, clicking on the tags at the bottom of this post are a great place
    to start. We also recommend clicking on the links to our sponsors below as well. They perfectly exemplify what we are all about at Green Halloween and are a great inspiration.
  • Update a past blog post that you have written that fits with this topic. (Now is a great time to remind people about your work and bring a new audience in on your tips and ideas)
  • We can provide you with an original Green Halloween post for you to repost as is, or personalize yourself. (Just contact for this)

Other Instructions

  • Post a link to your blog post in the comments below, so we can read it and promote it.
  • Green Halloween(R) is a registered trademark, so the first time it is mentioned in your post, please be sure to include the registration mark
  • If you are on Twitter, share your post on there. Please include the Hashtag, #GreenHalloween
  • Your Blogfest entry should mention that is a part of the 2012 Green Halloween® Blogfest, and link back to this original signup post so that people reading your post can find our other entries.
  • We encourage you to check out each other’s blogs, comment, and provide feedback.
  • Don’t be shy, any entry, no matter how big or small, is welcome to be a part of this.
  • Have fun, write about what you believe, and read the work of others with similar interests.
  • Connect to Green Halloween on Facebook and Twitter
  • And please feel free to pass this on to other bloggers you think might be interested.

What’s in it for you?

  • We will have a page on GreenHalloween.Org with links to all participating blogs
  • We’ll do our best  to support your post with Tweets and via Facebook, and of course you’re welcome to post on our Green Halloween Facebook page
  • If we receive media calls from anyone interested in hearing from bloggers, your name and blog will be added to the list (if you choose)
  • Grow your profile, increase your network, and share your work with a new audience
  • You’ll feel great having supported this effort to make a difference for parents and planet!

Any questions, requests for posts/photos/resources, or support are more than welcome. We are here to help! The best way to ask questions is:

Lastly, We’d like to extend an invitation for you to join us for a #GreenHalloween Twitter Party on October 22 from 9-10pm EST. There will be plenty of inspirational ideas for those of you having trouble getting started on your post!

Green Halloween is a non-profit, grassroots community initiative to create healthier and more Earth-friendly holidays, starting with Halloween. It began in the Seattle area in 2007 with backers such as Whole Foods Market and was such a huge success that in 2008, the initiative expanded nation-wide. In cities across the country, volunteer coordinators are turning their city’s Halloween holiday
healthy and eco-friendly, but many are also raising money for their own, local nonprofit beneficiaries via the initiative. Green Halloween, as of 2012, is a program of Green America. Green Halloween is possible because of their partnerships with Honest Tea®, Lara Bar®, Stretch Island Fruit Co.TM, Endangered Species Chocolate, Plum Kids, UnrealTM, Applegate® , Cascadian Farm®, Surf Sweets®, Bitsy’s Brain FoodTMBrainard’s Natural Remedies®, and Glee GumTM.

Green America is a not-for-profit membership organization founded in 1982. Our mission is to harness economic power—the strength of consumers, investors, businesses, and the marketplace— to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society. We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come.

8 Ways to Stay Cool this Summer without Air Conditioning

Monday, July 16th, 2012

By Wendy

We’re in the middle of summer and the heat is not letting up. Weather forecast seems to report a heat wave every other week. The ice cubes in your cup seem to be melting faster and you can’t seem to get comfortable. The high temperatures can result in many different heat related syndromes such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If these progress, may even be fatal. Here are some tips on how you can stay cool this summer without air conditioning:

1 Exercise during the early morning or late evening when it’s cooler. If that’s not possible, shorten your workout as to not overexert yourself

2 Wear light color, loose fitting clothing will help reflect the sun’s rays. Cotton clothing will also allow your skin to breathe better than synthetics, and also absorbs any extra perspiration on your body

3 Closing blinds, curtains or drapes will help prevent any extra heat coming in from outside. Using fans will help circulate the air in a room. You can also turn off any unnecessary electronics or lighting to keep extra heat from forming

4 Drink plenty of water to keep from dehydrating and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol since both can make you dehydrated

5 Take a shower or a bath in cool or tepid water. If you can’t take a shower, use a spray bottle on your arms and face to keep cool. As the water evaporates, it’ll naturally cool your body

6 Heavy meals, especially those with a lot of protein, tend to raise body temperature. Instead, try eating multiple light snacks throughout the day, and keep my body healthy with the thermogenic fat burner

7 Take advantage of public spaces where air conditioning is available, like the library, museum, shopping mall, movie theaters, or even your city cooling center

8 Head to the local ice skating rink for a nice chilly afternoon activity

How do you stay cool in the summer?


Wendy Yu is a digital marketing professional living in New York City. When she’s not using the power of social media to share ideas on how to be more environmentally friendly, she is exploring the city, trying local foods, and learning more about how she can reduce her carbon footprint.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Green Halloween® or our partners.

Natural Sunscreens for a Safe Summer Fun

Friday, June 29th, 2012

By Wendy

If you’re planning tons of trips to the beach with the family this summer, don’t forget to bring sunscreen. With skin cancer being the most common form of cancer in the US, we need to do our part to prevent too much sun exposure. You could potentially triple your risk of skin cancer by getting a sunburn once every two years.

To protect yourself and your family’s skin, here are some sunscreen products that are all natural, organic and will

Kabana Green Screen Organic Sunscreen SPF 20 Original – sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays, but also gluten free, corn free and vegan. It’s biodegradable and packaged in 100% recyclable material.

DO Natural Sunscreen SPF32 – with certified organic aloe, this new mineral sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays without any harsh chemicals or nano particles. 100% natural!

Aubrey Organics Natural Sun SPF30 – sunscreen to keep your skin hydrated and protected from UVA and UVB rays. Vegan and Gluten free.

Beyond Coastal Natural Sunscreen SPF30 – protects against UVA and UVB rays. Keeps skin nourished with their aloe vera, shea butter and vitamin c ingredients. Gluten free.

Loving Naturals Clear Body SPF30 Sunscreen- protects against a broad spectrum of UVA and UVB rays.  Made from 100% natural/organic ingredients. It’s also water resistant!


In addition to using sunscreen, are a few ways you can prevent overexposure from the sun:

- Stay in a shade, especially during the hours of 10am and 4pm to avoid the strongest sun

- Keep covered with hats, large umbrellas, and light long sleeved shirts

- Don’t forget the sunscreen on hard to reach places like your neck, elbows, and ears

- Put a small amount of sunscreen on your hair to avoid sun burning your scalp

- Wear sunglasses with UV ray protection to help prevent eye damage from the sun

- Have lip balm for your lips that have sun protection to keep them nourished and damage free


What other tips do you have for keeping your skin safe this summer?


Wendy Yu is a digital marketing professional living in New York City. When she’s not using the power of social media to share ideas on how to be more environmentally friendly, she is exploring the city, trying local foods, and learning more about how she can reduce her carbon footprint.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Green Halloween® or our partners.

3 Easy Ways to Cut Down Your Plastic Consumption

Monday, June 25th, 2012

by Wendy

We use plastic bags on a daily basis. But did you know approximately 380 billion plastic bags are used in the United States every year and only 1 to 2% of them are being recycled. The plastic bags that don’t get recycled end up in landfills, littering oceans and causing widespread pollution. So what can we do cut down on our overall plastic consumption?

1- Cut down plastic bag usage by using reusable bags. I have these cute Sesame Street themed reusable bags from Envirosax. Envirosax creates great eco-friendly and inexpensive bags that can be reused over and over again. I think they’re light, washable, and fun to carry around since I using them to carry groceries, bring lunch to work. What I also love about them is they donate a percentage of its sales to charities and non-profit organizations dedicated to the preservation of the environment.

2- Stop using garbage bags and emptying your trash straight into the garbage bin. If you don’t like that option, you can try using recycled or biodegradable, compostable garbage bags. I use these Pridegreen Biodegradable Trash Bags I purchased on Amazon. These trash bags are made with green recyclable plastics and will completely break down and leave behind no harmful toxins.  And every 13 plastic bags saved equals enough petroleum to drive a car one mile.

3- Use reusable stainless steel or glass bottles for drinks instead of using plastic cups or bottles. This will help cut down the use of plastic water bottles at work, at home, and everywhere you go. Kleen Kanteen makes great steel water bottles that are durable, BPA-free and better for the environment. They come in all sizes that can be great for packing lunch for the kids or taking to work.

What are some other easy ways you can cut down your plastic usage?


Wendy Yu is a digital marketing professional living in New York City. When she’s not using the power of social media to share ideas on how to be more environmentally friendly, she is exploring the city, trying local foods, and learning more about how she can reduce her carbon footprint.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Green Halloween® or our partners.