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Archive for the ‘Costume Swap Day’ Category

Save money, reduce waste this Halloween with National Costume Swap Day™

Sunday, October 7th, 2012

By Corey & Lynn

If you’ve ever participated in any kind of swap, you know what a great feeling you get when you trade what you don’t want/need anymore, for something you do.

Well, multiply that feeling by the number of kids you have and add the fact you don’t need to spend any money and you’ve got a great experience coming up when you participate in National Costume Swap Day™!

The idea for National Costume Swap Day came to us three years ago. Within weeks, we’d registered swaps all across the country (and Canada!). That launch made such a huge splash that we even had a segment on Good morning America.

Last year, the number of swaps grew into the hundreds and this year, under the leadership of Green America and in partnership with Kiwi magazine, it’s going to be bigger and better than ever.

Plus, for all our Canadian friends, this year kicks off National Costume Swap Day Canada.

So whether you’re planning a swap or want to find one to attend, check out the Costume Swap Day website and find out how to set up a swap, list a swap or seek out a swap near you.

Then mark your calendar and have fun!

(Note, if you’re busy on October 13, the official date of National Costume Swap Day, many swaps are taking place on multiple weekends or other days throughout October.)

What do YOU think is the best part about swapping?

Originally posted on the Celebrate Green! blog, image courtesy of Holli Dunn Photography

Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and authors of  Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, and founders of Green Halloween®.

National Costume Swap Day Twitter Party

Friday, September 28th, 2012

Join National Costume Swap Day for a Twitter Party!

Have your swapping questions answered, support and connect with swapping enthusiasts around the country, and share ideas about reducing waste, saving money, and the joys of greening your Halloween. Maybe even win some prizes!

When: October 4th, from 9 to 10 pm EST

Where: Twitter!

Who: Follow the featured Twitter handles @CostumeSwapDay (host) @Green Halloween @CelebrateGreen @GreenAmerica @EcoMomAlliance

What you can to do to participate:

  1. RSVP with us by sending a tweet to @CostumeSwapDay with the Hashtag: #CostumeSwap
  2. Get into a nice National Costume Swap Day or Green Halloween mood
  3. Follow our featured hosts: @CostumeSwapDay @GreenHalloween @CelebrateGreen  @GreenAmerica @EcoMomAlliance
  4. Log into Twitter through on October 4th a little before 9pm EST and put #CostumeSwap as the hashtag to follow
  5. During the party, make sure every comment you submit has the hashtag #CostumeSwap (if you use Tweetchat, this will be done automatically) in it
  6. Have some fun with a great group of people

Please, help support National Costume Swap Day by joining in on the fun. Also, please share this event with your Twitter network! Do this for your own swap’s benefit, and for costume swap supporters everywhere!

National Costume Swap Day is Saturday, October 13, 2012. To find a swap near you, go to:

For Questions about the party or about another event. Send a tweet to @CostumeSwapDay, post on the National Costume Swap Day Facebook Wall, or send an email to GreenHalloween@GreenAmerica.Org


We didn’t make the Today Show but….

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

by Corey

… We did make ‘em laugh.

Despite the truly incredible media storm surrounding the second annual National Costume Swap Day™ – with print, television, radio and online coverage in nearly every major market across the U.S. – we thought this year’s national coverage was likely over.

We were wrapping up as Happy Campers. We didn’t make Good Morning America (like we did last year) or another major morning show, but we were pretty darn over-the-moon about getting the word out about costume swapping via Real Simple, Family Circle and Kiwi magazines, MSN Money and many (many) more. Our goal of 100 registered swaps was blown out of the water with over 170 event registrations in the US and Canada. Some events were so successful that second and third swaps were planned for later in the month!

And although Halloween is just 4 days away, there are still more costume exchanges in the works.

But because the official National Costume Swap Day was actually on the 8th, we assumed (yes, I do know what this means), that there wouldn’t be any additional major PR coverage on this topic.

But last night came a treat.

Er, wait – a trick.

And I’m not sure we can call this “news” exactly, but as they say, “No PR is bad PR…”

“Environmentalism goes against everything Halloween stands for: Rampant consumerism and waste.” — Stephen Colbert

And (to quote another quote), “If you can’t laugh at yourself….”

We can definitely laugh at this one. At least it’s funny (unlike this wet blanket editorial).

(Stephen, just wait until you hear about what we’re doing with candy, face paints and decor!)

(Rockin’ the “swap talk”: Ciana Maglio, our Green Halloween® coordinator in Daytona Beach, FL on Fox News Orlando. )
National Costume Swap Day™ 2011 is a partnership of Green Halloween®, & Kiwi magazine

10 Hot Tips for a Healthy & Cool (Planet) Halloween

Sunday, October 2nd, 2011

Oleg Prikhodko/iStockphoto

Want to get on board with making Halloween healthier for kids and the planet but don’t know where to start? We’ve got 10 easy ideas that will help you celebrate an EEK-O fab holiday while keeping all the F-U-N.


The basics

Get a jump start. Unless you’re a Halloween junkie, like most moms, you likely hit the stores the week (or even hour) before the festivities begin. But greening your Halloween is a lot easier if you take just a little time to plan.  Not too much, just a bit – we promise.

Planning allows you to save money (last minute purchases = impulse buys) and to assemble eco-friendlier items from treats or treasures to décor without the stress that comes from last-minute decision making.

So grab a notebook and make a list of what you need. Do you want to hand out organic candy? Have your kids make their own costumes from what you’ve got on hand? Whip up your own face paints to avoid chemicals in commercial brands? Honestly, none of this takes much time when you plan ahead.

Get the kids on board. The second secret to pulling off a green Halloween is to get kids to buy in – by your positive attitude. Children who are told out of the blue, “We’re not going to buy you a new costume this year,” or “No candy for you!” certainly won’t be interested in supporting green efforts.

You know your children best, but a great way to approach them is by selecting one or two ideas from the list below and asking, “What would you think if….” You may be surprised that when you approach from a positive framework, i.e.” This is going to be a lot of fun and we’re going to make it happen together”—most children will get excited.

Once you’re got your shopping list and your kids enlisted, it’s time to carve out your eco-friendly options.

Here’s 10 of our favorite tips:

1. Choose no-waste pumpkins. Instead of purchasing one big pumpkin, how about selecting several smaller ones, then, instead of carving, painting on faces with non-toxic paints or decorating with yarn, ribbon, bottle caps and other found items. Smaller pumpkins can be put in the fridge when not on display to keep them fresher and once Halloween is over, you should be able to cook ‘em up instead of tossing.

2. Use beeswax candles. If you do carve and put a candle in your pumpkin, choose 100% beeswax. Most candles are made from paraffin, a petroleum by-product. Beeswax burns cleanly, lasts longer and releases a wonderful, all natural aroma. You may have heard that soy candles are a good alternative to paraffin, but soy is often genetically modified and its planting and harvesting can bring up other environmental issues. Beeswax comes from—bees! It is not modified in any way although natural color may be added to candles.

3. Use LED lights. By now everyone knows that incandescent lights don’t last very long, cost pretty pennies to use and burn HOT. LEDs now come in every size from mini-flashlight to outdoor spotlight. They are the safer, more sustainable option.

4. Seek out alternatives to conventional candy. For many families, this seems challenging. But we know that kids will go for treats and treasures other than what you usually associate with Halloween.

Over the last four years, we’ve tested the theory with a display board with dozens of alternatives—everything from beautiful colored stones to organic lollipops, whole foods bars, seed packets, pencils made from recycled paper are just a few. Literally thousands and thousands of kids from four to teen have told us they would be excited if these choices were in their bag. In fact, for the most part, kids are much less stuck on conventional candy that parents think. So go to Green Halloween and with your kids, look over the long list of treats and treasures, then pick out a few you’d like to try this year. Still skeptical? Offer a choice.

5. Set up or participate in a costume swap. According to Robert Lilienfeld of the Use Less Stuff Report, roughly 25 million children in the United States celebrate Halloween. Swapping just half of their costumes would reduce annual landfill waste by 6,250 tons, equivalent to the weight of 2500 midsize cars! And this doesn’t even address adult costumes.

You can set up your own neighborhood swap of course, or join the fun on National Costume Swap Day, the second Saturday in October. Check out the National Costume Swap Day website for ideas on how to set up a swap as well as link to swap sites both local and online.

6. Make décor instead of buying. In 2009, spending on all aspects of Halloween totaled $4.75 billion. This figure of course, includes décor, candy, costumes and other items, since Halloween is the second biggest holiday after Christmas for décor, obviously a huge chunk of change goes toward glowing lawn art, orange and black table decorations and millions of sets of Halloween-themed light strings.

If you’re aiming for a Green Halloween, try cutting your décor budget by 25%. Then fill in the difference with handmade items. Just Google “Halloween crafts,” and you’ll find hundreds of suggestions. One of ours is to make a Halloween tree by taking a branch from outside, then having the kids draw and cut out ghosts, pumpkins etc. and hang them from the tree. More ideas can be found here.

A fun way to get started with “upcycled” décor is to set a timer for 15 minutes, then send family members on a hunt around the house for items that can be transformed into décor. An orange and black t-shirts for instance, can be secured around pillows.

7. Hand out less. Everyone acknowledges we have a childhood obesity problem in this country. Nonetheless, people say, “Why not give out bunches of candy? It’s only once a year.”

The fact is that kids are exposed to candy and other sweets daily. It’s in everything from cereal to the lollipop they get at the bank.

We’ve shown that Halloween can be just as much fun even when a child brings home significantly less than the average of 10 pounds.

Like everything else in America, Halloween has become supersized. Today’s parents can remember being given one or two candy bars. Today it’s handfuls.

Whether you opt to give out conventional candy or alternatives, you can help steer children away from excess by offering just one or two items. What a concept, eh?

One successful strategy is to put a variety of items in a large bowl. When the doorbell rings, instead of inviting kids to dig in, explain that you are offering everyone a choice of one special item. Look each child in the eye and ask, “What special treat would YOU like?” As their hands seek out their choice, encourage them and smile and congratulate them on their final choice.

We can hear you saying, “But I get 25 kids at a time storming the door.”

To which we reply, “So?”

What’s wrong with slowing things down? Paying attention to each child, supporting their health (and your pocketbook – think how much less you’ll need to purchase) and having fun is what Halloween should be about. If some kids don’t want to wait, that’s up to them, but more likely, word will quickly get around and line will go around the block!

8. Walk in your neighborhood, don’t drive. One year we lived in Colorado and on Halloween evening the temperature plunged into the teens. We had moved up from Arizona and our blood was still as they say, a bit thin. But we braved the elements and had the best time.

We’re all about driving in this country, along with getting through whatever as quickly as possible. This is what we teach our children when, instead of walking the neighborhood, we drive them house-to-house or even block-to-block on Halloween.

In addition of course, driving creates emissions and idling is even worse. So bundle up and walk.

Another option to going door-to-door? Wrangle a few neighbors and co-host a Halloween-themed “progressive party.”

9. Bag it, green style. Instead of buying a single-use, disposable candy-carrier, make your child’s goodie bag from a pillow case or anything else you already own that goes with the theme of the costume. A purse for a princess? A backpack for a mountain climber? A helmet for a football player? Or, purchase a keepsake, reusable Green Halloween® trick-or-treat ChicoBag. (Designed each year by kids! Enter the design contest here. 10% of the sales support the Green Halloween initiative.)

10. “Recycle” candy & natural décor. Food rotting in landfills leads to the release of methane gas, which contributes to climate change. So don’t toss leftover candy and rotting pumpkins – recycle them! Composting turns food waste and natural décor (such as hay from your scarecrow) into nutrient-rich food for your plants, shrubs and trees. And even if you don’t have curbside composting or a home-composter, you can still compost at home. Watch this video and see how easy-breezy it is. Here are a few additional ideas for what to do with leftover candy.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

Guest post: A Better Way to Celebrate Halloween

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

Guest post by Dana Verhoff

This year my daughter will celebrate her fifth Halloween.  I can easily remember each costume she has worn.  There was the blue cow, a hooded sleeper borrowed from a neighbor, and the lion, handed down from cousins in Missouri.  My favorite was the year she dressed as a cowgirl.  The little red shirt with white piping she worn was mine from childhood, a gift from my Grandma Tex.  I wore it for my second Halloween.  My sister wore it, and her daughter wore it.  Someday, my youngest daughter will wear it, too.  The photo that you see above is from last year.  My oldest wore a dress and tiara from her princess collection (hand-me-downs and gifts) and shoes that still fit from Christmas.  My youngest wore a pea costume borrowed from a neighbor.  Ah, yes, the Princess and the Pea!

I can even remember a few costumes from my own childhood – Strawberry Shortcake, a gypsy, a magician, and a punk rocker.  With one exception, all of those costumes were put together with borrowed things from closets in my house or the neighbors.  The Strawberry Shortcake costume was store-bought because as a five year old, I insisted upon it.  And, you know what?  I hated that plastic smock and impossible-to-see-through mask, and both were ripped by the end of the night.

Yes, I’ve been thinking a lot about costumes lately.

And I’ve come to the conclusion that National Costume Swap Day™ is about showing our children a better way to celebrate! Because something as simple as a costume swap does make a difference.

Admittedly, swapping costumes is a shift in the way kids think;  it has become the norm to decide what you “want to be” and then head to the nearest box store and buy a new costume.  In contrast, a swap offers children the chance to make a decision with an open-mind and possibilities laid out before them!  Dare I say it may even be reminiscent of those times you raided your parent’s closet to put together a costume … you know, back in the day!

Here’s the bottom line: Halloween has become a holiday filled with traditions that are unhealthy for our children and our planet. We owe it to ourselves and future generations to serve as role models.  Participating in a costume swap not only encourages celebrating in a way that is healthier and more earth-conscience, but it also empowers our children to think about how small changes can have a big impact.  All while still having fun!


Dana and her partner, Diana, publish family-friendly website, Macaroni Kid Snoqualmie Valley-Issaquah.  On the morning of October 8th, they will be hosting swaps in North Bend at Totz and at Small Threads in Issaquah.  Both are looking forward to bringing the community together, showing our children a better way to celebrate, and swapping with all of you!

Will be be hosting or attending a costume swap this year? If so, what are you swapping and what costumes do your kids hope to find in exchange?