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Trick-or-treat for good

This Halloween, children, tweens and teens will dress up in costumes and go door-to-door.

But their mission won’t be to collect candy – they’ll be trick-or-treating for good.

Check out these great initiatives:


Trick-or-treating for cell phones

Trick-or-treat for Unicef (the tradition that began long before kids received piles of candy at each door)

Do you know of other trick-or-treat for good initiatives that we should know about? Did your family take part in something like this this year? Let us know. We’d love to hear your stories.

2 Responses to “Trick-or-treat for good”

  1. Amy Jussel Says:

    We did ‘site night’ one year (collecting old scratched Rx glasses to be repurposed/recycled for kids in developing nations but you have to let folks know ahead of time so you’re not waiting forever at the door while they scrounge through old drawers! ;-)

    I also love Forest Ethics ‘green Halloween’ petition signing because almost 90% of people support eliminating junk mail, so there’s no risk of a ‘green scene’ backlash for kids, with people not wanting to participate, etc. It opens conversations among neighbors and the community too…

    Love your site, I’ll be blogging about it on Shaping Youth tomorrow!

    Amy Jussel
    Founder/Exec. Dir.

  2. john wander Says:

    I just found your blog on google. I really liked it and now I will share it with my friends.