Weeeee’re baaaaaaaaack!
Hello fellow Green Halloween-ers! Oh, how we missed you!
As you may or may not know, for the last 5 months we’ve been writing over at the Celebrate Green! blog. But now that Halloween is right around the corner (at least in our world), we’re back to get this party started.
But we have a lot to do in a short period of time, so we’re knocking at your door (in costume, of course) asking for help.
After all, you know it takes a village to change the world (and raise a baby, of course, but we’re doing that over here.)
What can you do? (Thanks so much for asking!) Here is what we need:
1. Sponsors. Do you own or work for a company that wants to support our efforts, or do you know of one that might?
Green Halloween’s success and ability to expand to cities coast-to-coast depends on individual, government and corporate sponsors. Every dollar we receive goes directly into our efforts to raise generations of healthy children in a healthy world through this fun and engaging initiative. In addition, all profits are donated to like-minded organizations such as Treeswing and Healthy Child, Healthy World.
2. Volunteer coordinators. Do you want to help bring Green Halloween to your city in a big way? Help with events and local marketing efforts by giving your time, energy and passion to a fun and worthwhile cause. E-mail us if you have questions or want to sign on today.
3. Media contacts. While we’ve had an incredible amount of press – one of the best ways to get our message out in the biggest way possible is through the media. We’d be grateful for any connections you may have, whether they’re for television, radio, print or online.
4. Ideas. Green Halloween is a grassroots, community initiative. This is not Corey & Lynn’s eco-Halloween makeover project. (Although that does have a nice ring to it). This is a movement of the people, for the people and from the people (okay, maybe that doesn’t sound right – but you know what we mean). The point is that if you have ideas on how we can make bigger, wider, greener waves, we’d love to hear from you. And if you can help us to put those ideas into action, you’ll be our best friend. Forever. Start by taking our Green Halloween survey here.
5. Friends. We love connecting. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and our various blogs help us to stay in touch with people like you: people who are passionate about making the world a better place, and who don’t laugh when they say that. But, Corey’s grandfather said, you can never have too many friends, so we’d love to include more in our circle.
As you go about your daily e-connecting, please let your friends know about our website, this blog, and our newsletter (sign on from our homepage). Because, like that old song, “‘…’Cause my friends are your friends, and your friends are my friends, oh the more we get together the happier we’ll be!”
Thank you, thank you, thank you for whatever you can do to be involved.
… Stay tuned for some exciting updates and announcements about Green Halloween 2009!