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Join our National #CostumeSwap Day Twitter Party! 9/27/11


Kick off the Halloween season with a

National #CostumeSwap Day Twitter party!

Save money, reduce waste & have F-U-N.

Hashtag: #CostumeSwap

Follow: @CostumeSwapDay

September 27, 2011  6-7pm PST

Get tips & tricks:

  • How to host a costume swap
  • Getting the most out of attending a swap
  • Ideas for a waste-less, spend-less holiday that keeps all the fun

WIN: Great, green prizes from Kiwi magazine, Nature’s Path, Revolution Foods, Celebrate Green! and Angell Bar. (To be eligible to win, you must enter your Twitter handle in the comment section, below.)


Special Guests:

Hosted by: The Smart Mama


How to join the party:

1. RSVP by adding your Twitter handle (@YourName) to the comment section below (only those who RSVP are eligible to win prizes)

2. Join or log on to Twitter

3. Follow @CostumeSwapDay

4. Use hashtag (#) #CostumeSwap to “chat” in the party and to follow other participant’s posts

Hint: You may find it easiest to use a (free) program such as Hootsuite or TweetDeck to participate. New to twitter parties? Do a quick Internet search for “how to participate in a Twitter party” and you’ll find dozens of tutorials.

RSVP by adding your Twitter handle in a comment and enter to win great, green prizes*!

*One entry per Twitter Handle. Most prizes will ship only to Continental U.S.; some may ship to Canada. If you are unable to accept the prize, another winner will be chosen.

National Costume Swap Day™ is a partnership of Green Halloween®, & Kiwi magazine. National Costume Swap Day is celebrate the second Saturday in October each year – in 2011, on October 8th. To find a swap near you, visit

And check out our events page for more virtual and real-live events from now through Halloween, including a #GreenHalloween Twitter party on 10/13/11!

73 Responses to “Join our National #CostumeSwap Day Twitter Party! 9/27/11”

  1. Los Angeles Costume Swap Says:


    Looking forward to it.

  2. Emily Holyoak Says:

    Sooooo excited for the #costumeswap! @hhiemily twitter

  3. jeannine m Says:

    will be there @mellanhead

  4. Laura Perkins Says:

    RSVP for me! @Greek_Momma

  5. sara haaf Says:

    Sounds fun! @vloky My son always wears his costumes year round and wears them out, leaving them unswappable, but getting ones someone traded in would be great. Love the concept!

  6. Cindy C Says:

    Sounds fun! @cin_20

  7. Greg Solfanelli Says:

    I’ll be there! @UnrefutedSpirit

  8. Tovah Paglarp Says:

    Looking forward to the #CostumeSwap party! Should be fun. @tovahp

  9. Elizabeth C. Says:

    @GoudaCheese007 RSVP!

  10. Heather Zeh Says:

    @hzeh818 I’ll be there!

  11. Jessica P Says:

    Looking forward to the party!


  12. Sarah Says:

    Sounds fun! My twitter name is @madeinusablog

  13. Ryan @ Says:

    Can’t wait to chat with you all tomorrow night!


  14. Monica Sanchez Says:

    @ecomoni can’t wait!

  15. Julie Says:

    @CrunchyMom – looking forward to the chat!

  16. maria Says:

    How fun :)

  17. Esther Says:

    #Esthergoesgreen. It’s my first twitter party!!!

  18. Esther Says:

    #Esthergoesgreen My first twitter party yay!!!!

  19. Carla Says:

    RSVP for me @carlalicavoli

  20. Lacy Says:

    @navy_frugalista is in on this one!!

  21. Leixa T. Molina Says:

    Will be there! @TainaMomFor2

  22. Mo Says:

    @mosunnydaze will be there :)

  23. Meghan Says:

    I’ll be a bit late due to work but I’ll be there @immortalb4

  24. Alisa Says:

    great idea! I will try to make it after work @SweetPStilettos

  25. Susan Says:


  26. Jessica Dobbs Says:


  27. Miranda Johnson Says:



  28. Christine Says:

    Sounds fun!

  29. Nikki Says:

    sounds fun! @nikki2kids

  30. Kellly Ann T. Says:

    Sounds like fun and I can use some new ideas. @cstironkat

  31. SunRae Says:

    rsvping @sunrae17

  32. Joyce Lo Says:

    Great idea! I have a few items I’m looking to swap with friends. @lojoyce1

  33. Michelle L Says:

    @Mkokopelli will be there :)

  34. Suzanne Rielle Says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun! @LoobaLee will be there!

  35. January Says:

    Sounds super! @EarthRemedy

  36. Kevin Bell Says:

    RSVP @kevinbe1

  37. Crunchy Con Mommy Says:

    What a great idea! I’ll try to make it as @CrunchyConMom

  38. Brenna @ Almost All The Truth Says:

    I’ll be late, but can’t wait! @AlmostTruth

  39. Dana Says:

    RSVPing … @MacKidSnoqualm

  40. Martina Says:

    Hoping to join. @martiferg

  41. tiffany nelson Says:

    Atiffanywinland on twitter! i wanna come!

  42. tiffany nelson Says:

    @tiffanywinland on twitter

  43. Karla Sceviour Says:


  44. Lori Says:

    rsvping! @mamabygrace on twitter

  45. shauna casolari Says:

    I’ll be there. RSVP @scasolari

  46. Jamie C. Says:

    buhahahahaha I will be there! RSVP @JamieCasolari

  47. Joeyfromsc Says:

    This sounds fun!


  48. Shamini Dhana Says:

    Loving the moment, living the cause, enjoy the fun we share :)

  49. Joeyfromsc Says:

    I will have to come as @JoeyinSC (which is my twitter jail account) because twitter says I have a follow limit and cannot follow @CostumeSwapDay on my main account @JoeyfromSC :(

    Sorry for the confusion..Please delete the above comment/rsvp


  50. Luisa Says:

    This is our first year celebrating Halloween and this is
    a wondeful way to do it!!!

  51. @ChaCha572 Says:

    RSVP as @ChaCha572 :)

  52. LCavalletta Says:

    Looking forward to the twitter party! RSVP @lcavalletta

  53. tania Says:

    Looking forward to tonight! @TaniaRealtor

  54. Carla Says:

    RSVP @xstitchschool

  55. Holli Dunn Photography Says:

    @HolliDunnPhotog how fun! I’m getting prepared for my swap coming up in Bellevue WA!

  56. Sarah Says:

    Neat idea! @madeinusablog

  57. Sara C Says:


  58. Summer Says:


  59. Mindee Says:

    @mindeehaas great idea!

  60. Ann E Says:


  61. Sarah Says:

    Twitter: thelevinstein

  62. Flor Lozano-Byrne Says:


  63. Jenna Says:

    So excited to be a part of the #costumeswap #twitterparty

  64. Tara C Says:

    Im RSVPing @Momma2qtpies

  65. LCavalletta Says:

    Did I RSVP @lcavalletta

  66. Lauren Says:

    Yay swap!


  67. Lunachique Says:

    @Lunachique rsvping here!

  68. Penny Says:

    @pennamitePLR (it’s still daylight in California).

  69. kidscostumeswap Says:

    Hi from Calgary!

  70. kidscostumeswap Says:


  71. Alex Says:

    @puddlegearalex will be there (here) tonight! Both Celebrate Green and Green Planet Parties have laid the path for our community facebook kids swap to host Halloween Costume swaps! Whoot whoot!

  72. Corey Says:

    Thank you SO much for making our first-ever National Costume Swap Day Twitter party a smashing success! We hope you all had as much fun as we did ;)

    Congratulations to the winners of the prizes and thank you to all of who you are hosting or attending swaps this year. A huge thanks to the bloggers who have helped to spread the word about costume swapping, too.

    Please mark your calendars for a TWO HOUR #GreenHalloween Twitter party extravaganza on 10/13 from 6-8pm PST! FABULOUS partners, even more great, green ideas and of course, healthy/eco-fab prizes.

    Corey, Lynn & the Green Halloween Team

  73. Liz Caraway Says:

    my tweet is; @YourFriendLizC