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Eco-spider craft

While I’m on a roll about Halloween eco-crafts…

A few moths ago, I attended a Seattle Greendrinks anniversary party. One of the hosts was a company called Alchemy Goods – they make bags and accessories out of re-purposed seat belts and bicycle inner tubes. At this event, Alchemy Goods had some materials out for us to play with, including strips of the tubes…. This is what I created: an eco-spider, perfect for Halloween!

Even if you don’t have a creative bone in your body, this craft is for you:

Take 4 strips of no-longer-usable bicycle inner tube, tie in a knot and add googly eyes if you want to. Use as Halloween dECOr, instead of candy for trick-or-treaters, as gifts or prizes, etc.

Don’t have old bicycle tubes at your disposal? Contact your local bike shop. Chances are, they’ll be happy to pass them along to you.

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