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Soap and Washcloth Christmas Craft

Get crafty and recycle by using up an old wash cloth and a wrapped bar of soap to make a reindeer!

Here is an easy Christmas craft that you can make using recycled products from around the house!  This is also a great craft that can be used for kids Christmas parties, in the classroom, or at home with mom and dad.  Parents can take the reins with the hot glue gun with small children while the kids pick and choose items to decorate the reindeer with glee!

What you Need:

  • A glue gun
  • Googly eyes
  • Little craft bows and beads
  • Brown Pipe Cleaners
  • An old wash cloth, preferably brown
  • A bar of soap
  • Lots of imagination!

"Bar of Soap Reindeer."

Reindeer made easy with 1,2,3 steps!


"Brown Washcloth."

Step One: Cut brown wash cloth in half to wrap around a bar wrapped bar of soap. Fold over and hot glue in place.


"Brown Pipe Cleaner."

Step Two: Tie brown pipe cleaners around each ear to make antlers

"Package of Googly Eyes."

Step Three: I spy googly eyes to give my reindeer the gift of sight!

"Assortment of Doo Dads."

Step Four: Hot glue craft bows, doo dads, and beads to decorate your reindeer with style!

"Soap and Washcloth Craft."

Step Five: One very cute little reindeer gift or house decoration!


Blogger Laurali Star can be found on her blog, Charming Laurali Star, and on her site, The Damsel in the Attic, where she sells handmade and vintage clothing and accessories.  Another fab way to help reduce, reuse, and recycle!  Check it out!

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

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