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Green ghosts – no need to say boo-hoo

At a Green Halloween event today (hosted by EcoHausin Seattle) – thanks, Susanna! -our photographer, Holli Dunn, had a craft booth for kids – making green ghosts.


You all know the craft – take a piece of fabric, fill it, and tie it with string – but this wasn’t your ordinary stuffed apparition. This one was made entirely from eco-wise materials.

Even better? The kids LOVED making it and taking it home.

Here is what Holli used:

  • Stuffing: denim insulation (you wouldn’t believe how SOFT it is!)
  • To secure it: thin jute twine (wool would have been nice too)
  • For the eyes: circles cut from old fabric swatch book
(For some reason my photo uploader for the blog isn’t working – I’ll post a photo when I get this fixed.)

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