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Posts Tagged ‘dog in costume’

Eco-friendly pet costumes?

Monday, September 7th, 2009

baby and dog

I received an e-mail today from a dog-owner asking about where she might be able to find an eco-friendly Halloween costume for her Pomeranian.

I hadn’t heard of anything on the market, so I began a Google search and came up empty handed. But I did find some online boutiques selling doggie clothes made from sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton, reclaimed cotton and hemp. Some of these could easily be turned into costumes.

That doesn’t mean your pooch (or kitty, or goat or…) has to wear something – gasp – conventional. (The reality is that even for humans, green costumes are hard to come by.) But If you remember that “green” is more than buying organic, you’ll see just how many eco-options you and Fido actually have. For example:

  • Buy (or acquire) the costume used. Don’t know where to look?  Check out Craigslist or Freecycle, or better yet, log on to our new community pages and connect with other pet owners looking to buy, sell, trade or donate pet costumes.
  • Make a costume from materials you already own (or can find used).
  • Consider going without, or at least seeing if something stuffed at the back of Fido’s closet will work. If not, borrow your human baby’s tutu or other clothing item. You might not have to “make” anything at all!

Have you seen eco-friendly pet costumes on the market? Do you have other ideas you’d like to share? Add your comment below. (We’d also love to see photos of your animals in the Halloween spirit! Post them here.)

Love the photo? It was taken by our talented and generous photographer, Holli Dunn!