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Posts Tagged ‘green halloween san francisco’

Green Halloween in a city near you

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

In 2007, Green Halloween began in the Seattle area. By 20o8, four cities had joined in the fun. Last year a few more signed on.

By Green Halloween 2010, we’ll have at least NINE cities, but we’re aiming for even more!

Here are the cities where we have Green Halloween coordinators planning public events and/or Green Halloween trick-or-treat trails:

  • Seattle
  • San Francisco
  • Los Angeles
  • Phoenix
  • Austin
  • Chicago
  • Washington D.C.
  • NYC
  • Daytona Beach

Do you live in one of these cities and want to be involved? Let us know! We’d love to add you to the mix.

Do you live in a city not represented here? Click here for how you bring the revolution to your community.