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Posts Tagged ‘Healthy snacks’

Healthy Snacks by Color – RED

Monday, July 18th, 2011

I sometimes find it helpful to give myself a theme when coming up with healthy snacks for my daughter!  Since we are always working on eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables I decided to serve up daily snacks based on color! So for the next few posts I’ll be posting snacks ideas based on color groups! Today is RED day!!!!

Red Snack Day

Hannah had watermelon, raspberries and strawberries for her RED day snack!

Here are some other ideas for healthy RED day snacks:

Red pepper slices
Apples slices

Next week will be ORANGE snack day!

Happy Healthy Eating,


Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!