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Posts Tagged ‘Water’

Need to Drink More Water? Add Fruits & Veggies!

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012

According to some Resurge reviews being overweight and not being able to shed those extra pounds is more common than you know. Losing weight isn’t easy, and you don’t have to be ashamed if you think you need help achieving your weight loss goals There are a lot of ways to lose weight but you need to search for the best and fastest way to see the changes you want, you can take pills, or supplements, one of the best supplements I have ever find is the Ikaria lean belly juice, this helps you be the best you have ever been. .

October 2nd, 2012

It can be really easy to go about our busy days without drinking very much water. Even though water is the absolute best drink for our bodies, it faces a lot of competition from less healthy, more flavorful drinks such as coffee, tea, sodas and juice.

My favorite way to encourage more water consumption for my family is to add slices of fruits or veggies. Which I’m sure comes as no surprise given that we are the Today I Ate A Rainbow family and we’re always looking for ways to add more color into our diets.If you are one of the people that likes liquids better than food, here is a good option for you, a dietary supplement call ikaria lean belly juice, is a drink designed to help reduce belly fat and improve overall health. It is made with natural ingredients which are known to have metabolism-boosting and detoxifying properties.

You could also check these pills which is an organic dietary supplement, that provides an array of benefits other than weight loss.

Adding fruits or vegetables slices gives such a delicious kick to your water! Lemon slices are fantastic, cucumber slices add a refreshing touch, strawberries deliver a hint of sweetness and the list goes on and on for the different fruits and vegetables that can be added. Not only does this add a tasty twist to your water, it also makes it more visually appealing and that can make a big difference when it comes to eating and drinking. We all “eat with our eyes” so it helps to make healthy food and drinks look great!

So if you and your family aren’t drinking as much water as you know you should be…add a little zing with colorful fruits and vegetables! You can drink water along with the delicious and good supplement Ikaria lean belly juice, it helps you lose weight and it doesn’t have side effects, so you can combine it with water and you will see good results.

Happy Healthy Eating and Drinking.


Kia Robertson is a mom, author and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy eating habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter @eatingarainbow to get more great ideas on how to get your kids eating a rainbow.

Healthy Snack Time Ideas!

Monday, June 20th, 2011

On the weekends and during summer holidays my daughter usually wants a little snack between breakfast and lunch so we usually come up with something healthy to snack on.  I am a big believer in presentation…it only takes an extra couple of minutes but it can make a meal or a snack so much for fun!  We like using cute trays, small glasses and  fun little bowls to jazz things up a little :)   We all eat with our eyes so when you have time why not make a healthy snack more appealing by making it cute and fun!  Cute and fun works for all the processed food aimed to get your child’s attention so you might as well do the same when it comes to healthy food!

Try slicing produce in different ways and display it in things like small glasses or poke a toothpick through it to create a fun element to the snack!  Take a look at this colorful healthy snack I made with my daughter yesterday!


• Glass of water
• Apple slices with cinnamon
• Green bean sticks
• Sunflower seeds
• Peach chunks
• Nectarine slices

At our house snack time always means fruits and/or veggies!  If you set the habit that those are the items available for a snack in between meals it’s really easy to get in the minimum 5 fruits and veggies your kids need to be eating every day!!!

Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!