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Archive for the ‘Press’ Category

Vote for a green Halloween

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

No, Obama isn’t on board with us yet, but the CW Network (KSTW, channel 11 in Seattle) is conducting a poll on whether or not going green on Halloween deserves two thumbs up or down.

Tell ‘em what you think here.

Change IS underway…

Recent press about us

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

We’ve barely been able to keep up with the incredible press interest in our little ‘ol inititaive.

Although we’re updating more daily, check out our press page for stories in print, on TV and radio and online. We’ve also added a section for articles written by us!

Here are a few we think you’ll enjoy:

Seattle Times/ Pacific Northwest (cover story)

Access Hollywood

CW11 (Video on right hand side of page)


And oceans of gratitude go out to all of you who have posted articles about us in your blogs. In just one year the idea of going green during Halloween went from “huh?” to “of course!” because of your help spreading the word.

High five!

Martha Stewart inspired (or not) contest

Monday, October 20th, 2008

last week I was a guest on Martha Stewart Radio.

I didn’t actually speak with Martha – she has her own “hosts” – but I’ve never come so close (and yet so far) from the Queen of Crafting herself!

In honor of my 20 minutes of Martha Stewart fame (the show airs on XM – did anyone hear it? Hello? Anyone?) I’d like to invite you to enter a new contest…

The Green Halloween Craft Contest

Send us your inspired ideas (with photo/s) – and we’ll select one winner to receive some as of yet unnamed but nonetheless eco-fabulous prize. Craft items may be for doors, windows, or powder rooms, for all we care – whatever you choose it should somehow incorporate the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) or 3Gs (Good for people, Good for planet, Good for community).

We can’t wait to see what you come up with and hope you have fun in the process. (No, we’re not going to say the ‘fun’ is the prize.)

Submissions due November 1 to

Happy crafting!

KING FM Green Halloween Argosy cruise

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

For those of you who have been asking…

Click here for the link to register for the KING FM’s Green Halloween Argosy Cruise.

I’ll be there – hope you will be too!

Also, if you’ve missed KING’s on air Green Halloween tips – not to fear… a few have been recorded (with dramatic flair!) and can be heard on their Green Halloween page.

A heartfelt “thank you” re: Seattle PI blog

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

Don’t mess with parents going green!

That was the message – heard loud and clear, I’m sure! – to a Seattle PI blogger who challenged Green Halloween’s motives, worth and efficacy.

I can only say, “thank you” to those of you who took the time and energy to write a reply to the blogger. I was so touched and inspired by your show of support for our initiative. Your responses were wonderful – all positively and eloquently illuminating the facts without bashing the poor guy, who obviously never expected such an en mass retort (as evidenced by his own reply later on).

While I certainly didn’t agree with what the blogger had to say, I do agree with him on this: “messing” with tradition may ruffle some feathers, but a good debate brings to the forefront important issues of our time.

I’m thrilled to be a part of the conversation and grateful that you have been too.