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Homemade Face Masks for Mommies

"Facial Mask with Lemon Slices."

Lemon and orange slices exfoilate and polish your skin naturally!

"Green Face Mask."

Make sure you hit your T-zones! Your forehead, your nose, and chin to soak up oils.

"White Face Mask."

Mix Egg, milk, and Honey for an easy, breezy face recipe!

One of the best ways to start the New Year is by refreshing your skin during the winter months when skin becomes dull, dry, and often tired looking from rounds of Christmas and New Year’s parties.  Here are three easy recipes for taking care of your largest organ that will cost you practically nothing!  Cheers to that!

Milk and a Washcloth: 

Take a washcloth and soak it in a bowl of milk then ring it out.  It’s best to use cow, goat, or buttermilk for smooth and supple skin.  Microwave for 30 seconds then place on face for ten minutes or until the washcloth cools.  This aids in both soft, smooth skin and is effective for getting rid of age spots since it lightens skin pigmentation.

The Breakfast Mask:

This little mask requires a blender and a little tender loving care!  I use this mask almost everyday because it is gentle and helps reduce redness, dark eye circles, and acne.  I’ve even started my teenage daughter on this regimen to gear her through the teenage years.


  • 1/2 cup of rolled oats
  • 1 cup of boiling water
  • a drizzle of honey
  • 2 TBSP milk
  • 2 TBSp coffee grounds
  • 1 teaspoon of Greek yogurt

Pour the oats into the blender and soak for a couple minutes in the boiling water.  Then add the additional ingredients and blend well.  Cake on face until dry then use a washcloth to exfoilate.  You can even keep leftovers in a separate container that can be heated up for 40 seconds for the next use.


Take a common everyday vaporizer, preferably the warm heat model, then steam your face for at least 15 to 20 minutes.  After steaming your face, which opens the pores, then splash ice cold water onto face to close them.  Then moisturize as usual.  Prior to doing this, spend the day drinking an entire gallon of fresh water by the jug.  This will purify your skin from the inside/out. 

Blogger Laurali Star can be found on her blog, Charming Laurali Star, and on her site, The Damsel in the Attic, where she sells handmade and vintage clothing and accessories.  Another fab way to help reduce, reuse, and recycle!  Check it out!

Click here to see how to make art latte. There are some unique arts made in this particular review im about to show you.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

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Mini Eggplants…So cute!

I must admit that I bought these little eggplants because they were so darn cute!!!

I wasn’t sure what to do with them so I decided to keep it simple.  I just tossed them in a pan along with some zucchini, white onions, olive oil, sea salt, and a little bit of pepper for about 10 mins and served them with some rice and Spanakopita.  It was pretty tasty!

So if you’re at the farmer’s market or grocery store and happen to come across these little gems I suggest buying some and giving them a try.  If you happen to have a picky eater they might be up for giving these mini eggplants a try just based on their cuteness!

Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!

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5 Clever Ways to Recycle Fitness Magazines

I’m sure before you Discover more at My Fitness Hub for fitness exercises you start with reading magazines and happen to make a pile of it somewhere in your drawer. For your knowledge, Fitness Magazines are not just a great read: They can be reused over and over in several fun ways! Recycle Fitness Magazines


This New Year, why not kill two birds with one stone.  Keep your resolution for going green, getting the body you’ve always dreamed of or taking holiday weight off with fat burning pills, and organizing your paperwork, your life, and your home all at once.  You can start with that stack of fitness and health magazines that have been sitting in a pile and collecting an array of dust.  This month, check back every Wednesday to tackle one project at a time.

This Week:  Get in shape while reducing, reusing, and recycling!

Step One:  Magazine Subscription Insert Cards


Subscription Cards

Use subscription insert cards to blot lipstick! Keep stacks in your make-up organizer for ready use.



Step Two:  Donate Magazines

When finished with old magazines, pass them on to friends, family, or even your local doctor’s office to keep the ideas going and to inspire another.

Step Three:  Create a Fitness Scrapbook

When I’m completely finished with my fitness magazines I cut out the moves, ideas, inspiring words, and recipes into a personal fitness scrapbook.  I bought a journal for $5.00 at my local Big Lots, took a glue stick, scissors, stickers, and gems to create my work-out scrapbook on the cheap.


"Work-Out Journal"

My personal work-out scrapbook that I bought for a mere $5.00




"Workout Journal."

Recycle old fitness magazines by cutting out moves and recipes then using a glue stick to place them where you like then get ready to shape-up!


"Magazine Clips"

Old magazine clips have a wealth of routines, moves, and recipes!


"Work-out Scrapbook"

Creating your own personal scrapbook gives you time to research and reset your brain for easing into a fitness routine for the New Year!


Step Four:  Use Tear-Out Cards!

Take tear out cards and mix n’match by using a hole puncher and place them on a ring for quick and simple work-outs!

Step Five:  Cut and Paste low-cal Recipes on Index Cards

Be sure to buy an index card box too with a variety of colors then cut and paste your favorite healthy recipes.  Use a label divider to keep your recipes stored in order such as, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and smoothies.


"Subscription Cards"

Magazine subscription cards also make great bookmarks for the avid reader!

Blogger Laurali Star can be found on her blog, Charming Laurali Star, and on her site, The Damsel in the Attic, where she sells handmade and vintage clothing and accessories.  Another fab way to help reduce, reuse, and recycle!  Check it out!

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

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10 Ways to Get Kids Eating Fruits & Veggies

As parents we “know” that our children should be eating a minimum of 5 servings a day of fruits and vegetables however getting them to actually eat their fruits and veggies is a different story!

Here are some suggestions that might help get your kids eating their fruits and vegetables, thanks to our friends from for helping us adding some points:

1. Keep Fruits and Vegetables in Sight: Stock your fridge full of washed and ready to eat fruits and veggies.  Having them cut up in slices makes it even easier for your kids to reach in and grab a quick healthy snack.

2. Remove the Competition: If you provide only healthy options they will get eaten!  Leave the junk food for an occasional treat!

3. Prepare Meals Together: Bring kids into the kitchen starting at a young age. Toddlers can wash and rip lettuce, preschoolers can measure and stir, and older kids can find recipes and help create meals. Children are far more likely to dig into a new dish if they helped prepare it!

4. Take them Grocery Shopping: When you have the time, take your children grocery shopping with you and let them pick out a fruit or vegetable. Challenge them put a rainbow in the shopping cart!

5. Serve a Fruit or Vegetable with Every Meal: Every day and every meal, fruits and veggies should be on the menu. Eating this way makes it easy to get the minimum 5 servings of produce a day!

6. Keep it Simple: Veggies taste best when you don’t do too much to them.  Eating them raw seems to be a favorite with kids.  Add some yummy dip and your done!

7. Be a good Role Model: If you expect your child to eat vegetables, you need to be eating them, too!

8. Eat the Same Meals: Make one meal for the family. Don’t start the habit of serving different menus for everyone as you’ll end up with a house full of picky eaters and a lot of extra work in the kitchen!!

9.  Keep trying: Kids need to be exposed to, and ideally taste, a new food as many as 10 to 15 times before they’ll accept it.  Just getting them to take one bite is a victory!

10. Make it Fun: Kids are fun people and they love playing games. Keep that in mind  and  make healthy eating a fun challenge rather than a battle.

Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!

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Oh Broccoli Tree…Oh Broccoli Tree!

With Christmas around the corner, it’s time to start planning ways to incorporate fruits and veggies into your festive meals! We all tend to indulge at this time of year so it’s always a great idea to balance that out by eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. Around here eating and serving fruits and veggies has to be fun! This broccoli tree with tomato decorations and a star made out of a yam makes a delicious and healthy centerpiece!

Put out some dip and watch the tree disappear :)

To make these trees you need a styrofoam cone shape…we used one the was 98mm (3-7/8 in) x 301mm (11-7/8in) and trimmed a lot off of the bottom in fact I would suggest cutting the cone half way down so that it doesn’t take up too much broccoli! We used 6 large heads of broccoli for our tree.

I recommend using extra long tooth pics so that you can trim them down for the top of the tree and then use the full size on the bottom…this helps to make the tree extend out at the bottom! You could easily sprinkle in some cauliflower in there to make it look like some snow on the tree. I cut our star out of a piece of yam…but feel free to use anything that you have on hand!

We hope this Holiday Season is full of love and laughter for you! Wishing you Health and Happiness in the new year!!!!

Happy Healthy Eating,

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!

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