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31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day#25

Welcome to Day #25 of our

31 days of {Green!} Giveaways

Today’s question: Did you know that one in three trick-or-treaters who come to your door this Halloween are expected to develop diabetes in their lifetime?

*Attention Facebook fans: Please answer as a comment on our blog, not our Facebook page in order to be entered to win!*

Today is day #25 of our month-long, trick-or-treating party for parents!

Just knock on our door (AKA blog) each day, answer the daily question (in lieu of shouting, “Trick or treat!” – although you are totally welcome to write that as well) and you’ll be entered to win some absolutely fabulous, ever-so-eco-friendly prizes.

Today’s prize package is worth $34!

Today I Ate A Rainbow!

The Today I Ate A Rainbow kits gets kids excited about eating fruits & veggies!  Kit contains: An interactive chart that uses colorful magnets to track daily consumption of a rainbow of fruits & veggies, a color coded shopping list and a children’s book called The Rainbow Bunch. $25  Open to USA and Canada.

Orange Vapur

Orange Vapur anti-bottle at LiveGreene. Value $9. Ships to continental US only.


Here’s how to enter:

1. Add your e-mail address to the comment login, below. (We cannot notify you if we don’t have your e-mail address!)

2. Add a comment (one per e-mail address) with your answer to the question above.

3. Comment must post before 11:59pm PST – TONIGHT

Be sure to review our giveaway rules here. Please note shipping limitations.

Be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook & Twitter for daily reminders & updates for the 31 Days of {Green} Giveaways promotion.

Good luck & have FUN!

(& See you tomorrow )

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.



10 Responses to “31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day#25”

  1. cathy Says:

    No, I didn’t know that. That means that one in three of my son’s classmates, and one in three of his friends. It just makes me more intent on ensuring that he is one of the 2 in 3 that doesn’t.

  2. Chelle Says:

    No I didn’t know that. That is scary to think about. I highly limit the sugary foods my son eats. He gets to pick a couple pieces of candy and it gets put away. Same with sugary juice. Even though it’s 100% juice doesn’t mean it doesn’t have sugar in it. I water it down to about 50/50. I don’t let him have soda. He only gets juice boxes when we go on long trips in the car. He’s content to drink milk or water. It’s hard to keep sugar at bay when his daddy loves to eat cookies and candy. Lead by example right?! Thanks for all of the tips and facts.

  3. Stephanie Says:

    I read that the other day and was shocked!

  4. Robin O Says:

    I did not know that. Thank you, #GreenHalloween, for raising awareness about improving the health of children!

  5. Kyle Says:

    I did not put two and two together on this one, but I will be sure to post on our site! and give to due credit to your site! Please consider signing up for our Newsletter for all the latest research and resources updates in finding a cure diabetes.

  6. Joan Says:

    Thank you for raising awareness Green Halloween! I did hear this one on the news!

  7. Alea Shinn Says:

    I heard that recently such a sad statistic =(

  8. Laura R. Says:

    I recently heard this depressing news. We try to limit our little ones’ sugary intake and treat fruits as dessert instead. :)

  9. Ashley LLloyd Says:

    No but since I have it scares me

  10. Laura Perkins Says:

    No, I did not know that statistic. Very sad, but makes me even more determined to continue to pass out pencils, stickers, or similar treats for Halloween.

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Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds make a great tasting and healthy snack.  They provide our bodies with zinc which is perfect at this time of  year to help ward off colds!  We love roasting pumpkin seeds and trying different combinations of flavors. We always do some with sea salt, then we mix things up a little by using things like garlic salt and Worcestershire, or for a sweeter flavor we sprinkle on cinnamon and nutmeg! It’s fun to get your kids involved and let them create fun combinations! We’ll share our favorite recipe and cooking method you!

Pumpkin Seeds

What you’ll need:

Medium Pumpkin
Olive Oil
Sea Salt

What to do:

* Preheat oven to 400 F. Cut open pumpkin and scoop out the insides into a big bowl. Add water to the bowl to help separate the seeds from the stringy flesh (a lot of the seeds will just float up to the top!) and then rinse seeds in a colander.

* To make the seeds nice and crunchy we boil our seeds before putting them in the oven. You can skip this step if you’d like as it’s not essential. In a small pot add the seeds (for a medium pumpkin is around 1/2 cup) to approximately 2 cups of water. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Bring to a boil and then let it simmer for about 10 minutes.

* Remove from heat and drain.

* Spread Olive Oil on the bottom of a roasting pan or rimmed baking sheet then spread the seeds (try not to have the seeds touching). This is also the time to sprinkle on some extra flavor if you’d like!

* Bake on the top rack until the seeds are golden brown, 10 – 20 minutes, depending on how brown you like the seeds.

* Take out of the oven and allow seeds to cool. Then enjoy this tasty fall snack!!

Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!

2 Responses to “Roasted Pumpkin Seeds”

  1. Kathy Says:

    I absolutely adore fresh toasted pumpkin seeds!! My favorite way is to bake them with a little garlic, Worchestershire, and chili powder. It gives a little kick and warms you up on a cool Autumn afternoon. And believe it or not, they are great in granola or hot cereal!

    As for the makers of Halloween candy, I’d say that they need to come up with more natural solutions to making their candies. Leave out the HCFS, modified ingredients, and food dyes and make something that our bodies will actually recognize. For instance, use real sugar/fruit juice/puree, natural dyes from blueberries or other plants, avoid too much sugar and cream in chocolate by making 60% + dark chocolate, and stop using partially or fully hydrogenated oils!

  2. Deb Says:

    This sounds great! But you simply must try some Himalayan pink salt. I get mine from Sustainable Sourcing The flavor is so much better than regular salt! Thanks for sharing this recipe—I can’t wait to try it!

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31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day#24

Welcome to Day #24 of our

31 days of {Green!} Giveaways

Today’s question: If you had one message for the makers of conventional Halloween “treats” what would it be?

*Attention Facebook fans: Please answer as a comment on our blog, not our Facebook page in order to be entered to win!*

Today is day #24 of our month-long, trick-or-treating party for parents!

Just knock on our door (AKA blog) each day, answer the daily question (in lieu of shouting, “Trick or treat!” – although you are totally welcome to write that as well) and you’ll be entered to win some absolutely fabulous, ever-so-eco-friendly prizes.

Today’s prize package is worth $46!

green party goods bio-d straws

From Green Party Goods, a box of 144 biodegradable, soy-ink straws (your choice of color) and a package of sustainably sourced Stripe Napkins. Value: $21. Ships to continental US only.


Surf Sweets
One pack of each Surf Sweets variety in an Eco-Friendly Trick-or-Treat Bag, along with other ghastly “green” goodies! $25 each  Continental US and Canada only.


Here’s how to enter:

1. Add your e-mail address to the comment login, below. (We cannot notify you if we don’t have your e-mail address!)

2. Add a comment (one per e-mail address) with your answer to the question above.

3. Comment must post before 11:59pm PST – TONIGHT

Be sure to review our giveaway rules here. Please note shipping limitations.

Be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook & Twitter for daily reminders & updates for the 31 Days of {Green} Giveaways promotion.

Good luck & have FUN!

(& See you tomorrow )

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.



21 Responses to “31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day#24”

  1. Sara P. Says:

    My message for the makers of conventional Halloween “treats” is: loose the high fructose corn syrup. We don’t need it!

  2. Erin Ashworth Says:

    More natural sweetners (like fruit, fruit sugars, or organic sugars/agave, etc), less manufactured junk food!

  3. Theresa R Says:

    If I had one message it would be, “Think about the children more and your bottom line less.” Keep it real and natural and we’ll buy it.

  4. Kirsten Says:

    Better packaging..more recyclable or biodegradable. There is a lot of plastic being thrown out at Halloween.

  5. Michelle L Says:

    Stop using artificial dyes and say no to GMO’s :)

  6. Alea Shinn Says:

    Please no more artificial dyes or high fructose corn syrup! Our kids health is very important to us!

  7. Amber Saxby Says:

    Do not worry so much about what good for you, natural ingredients cost and leave out all the artificial and HFCS’s. Consumers and parents will appreciate it more and be more apt to buy your product if we know you care more about the consumer than your bottom line.

  8. Rebecca O'Brien Says:

    There are great tasting natural healthier candy out there that aren’t terribly expensive to make. Please stop saying your for kids when you aren’t considering their health.

  9. Kyle Says:

    Over the next 5-10 years, create a gradual plan of action to reduce the amount of sugar in your candy and follow-through on your commitment!

  10. Joan Says:

    Here’s a scary Halloween fact you probably do not know about…

    The FDA acknowledges the possibility of insect and rodent pest contamination in food facilities and that not all indirect additives can be eliminated. Therefore, it has established a policy that permits acceptable levels of “filth.” Companies are allowed up to 4 rodent hairs per sample of chocolate.


  11. Henry Says:

    The sugar in all candies can be lowered. This does not mean replace it with artifical sugar. A child’s taste bud can adapt to the less sugary candies. If all companies follow the same “rule”, our kids won’t crave sugar as much.

  12. Robyn Says:

    Lay off the artificial dyes.

  13. Robin O Says:

    My message (or plea) would be: please don’t use any ingredients you wouldn’t want going into your own child’s body!!

  14. Jamie C. Says:

    Please use fair trade ingredients

  15. rick Says:

    Lose the artificial dyes and flavors

  16. shauna Says:

    If you can’t pronounce, it don’t add it and market it toward our children

  17. Chelle Says:

    I kind of feel like I’m repeating previous posters, but it’s true….I’m all for not adding fake colors. Totally not needed. My kids don’t care if the yellow is neon or not. Also, natural sweeteners would be a plus. And if at all possible recycleable containers or biodegradable packaging. Think they could do that? ;)

  18. cathy Says:

    Leave out the HFCS please!

  19. Laura R. Says:

    I’d love to ask for all-natural treats without potentially harmful dyes. It’d be a total bonus if they could all be healthy and qualify as a whole grain, fruit, veg, etc!

  20. monica Says:

    Congratulations to Kyle, the winner of Day #24. We loved your action plan.

    Thank you for all of your comments and the great ideas.

    Chck back for more giveaways the rest of the month. Happy Fall.

  21. Kyle Says:

    Wohooo! :) Thrilled to be the winner!

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Try REVERSE Trick-or-Treating This Halloween!

Guest post

Halloween should be fun, right? Unfortunately, a scary reality is that one of the biggest nights for the chocolate industry supports a system that relies on forced child labor on many West African cocoa farms. But you can do something to help stop such practices and still enjoy Halloween.

This October, families, organizations, and businesses across the U.S. can help children forced to work on West African cocoa farms by participating in the 5th annual Reverse Trick-or-Treating campaign. By handing out organic, Fair Trade chocolates from Equal Exchange with attached informational cards when they go trick-or-treating, participants can bring critically important attention to the thousands of children who are trafficked and forced to work in horrible conditions on West African cocoa farms.

This year’s Reverse Trick-or-Treating program marks the 10th anniversary of the September, 2001, signing of the Harkin-Engel Protocol that called for an end to the worst forms of child labor in the cocoa supply chains of the major chocolate companies. The campaign to raise awareness that there is a Fair Trade alternative to child labor was launched in 2007, two years after the deadline had passed for signatories to end the worst forms of child labor. Ten years after the protocol’s signing, most of its conditions have still not been met.

Equal Exchange knows there’s a better way to go and instead sources its Fair Trade and organic cocoa from farms in the Dominican Republic, Panama, Peru, and Ecuador. The vanilla from Madagascar and sugar from Paraguay for Equal Exchange’s chocolate are also certified Fair Trade and organic.

Contributed by: Kelsie Evans, Equal Exchange Chocolate Products Coordinator

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4 Easy Tips to Green Halloween

Guest Post

1. Save money and reduce waste: Swap your costumes! Although National Costume Swap Day™ is over, there’s still plenty of costume swaps happening around the country all the way through to Halloween (check out the national event calendar, here). Of course, if there’s no swap in your area (and you’re not up for hosting one), check out an online swap such as

2. Instead of candy, give trick-or-treaters a small treasure, preferably one made of natural materials. Or hand out items such as non-toxic tattoos, stickers printed on recycled paper or modeling doh (handmade is great!). An extensive list of other non-food ideas can be found here.

3. Use a reusable bag for trick or treating, instead of a disposable one.

4. Invest in décor that you can be reused every year. Or have your kids create Halloween décor by using recyclable items from around your home.

by Daily Thred editors Michele Adams and Gia Russo.  Michele and Gia are lifestyle experts and former Martha Stewart Living editors. They have been featured in over 100 publications sharing their collective expertise on organization, budgeting, eco-friendly living and parenting.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

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