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Posts Tagged ‘Green Halloween’

Healthy Hallowen recipe: Pumpkin Smoothie

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Many Paths Cover Image

Earlier this week, we featured healthy Halloween recipes (Pumpkin Bread and Vegan Fudge Truffles) from Holistic Mom’s Network‘s new cookbook, Many Paths, One Journey to Health, due out in October.

Today’s post is the final of the bunch, so if you’ve liked what you’ve seen (and/or tasted), be sure to get yourself a copy of HMN’s book!



2 c. canned organic pumpkin Organic agave nectar or honey, to taste

1/2 c. organic rice milk, raw or organic (preferably raw)

milk Dash vanilla extract

1/2 c. vanilla yogurt 1 1/2 c. crushed ice or ice cubes

1 T. pumpkin pie spice Organic whipped cream

1/2 lemon, juiced Cinnamon sticks (optional)

In a blender, combine pumpkin, milk, yogurt, pumpkin spice, juice of half a lemon,

agave nectar or honey to taste, and vanilla extract. Blend together until smooth, and

begin adding the ice while continuing to blend. When mixture is thick and creamy,

stop and hold in refrigerator at least 30 minutes. Top with whipped cream and garnish

with cinnamon sticks. Serve.

Note: This is a fall favorite in our house, especially around Thanksgiving when I’ve

got extra pumpkin. Make sure you add enough sweetener or it will be bitter! Use

organic ingredients whenever possible.


Have a healthy Halloween recipe you want to share? Add it to the comments below or to our new discussion board.

Healthy Halloween recipe: Vegan Fudge Truffles

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Many Paths Cover Image

On Sunday we featured a Pumpkin Bread recipe from Holistic Mom’s Network‘s new cookbook, Many Paths, One Journey to Health, due out next month.

As promised, today’s recipe is Vegan Fudge Truffles.

So easy to make, so eco-fabulous (a vegan diet is easier on the planet) and so absolutely delish.


6 tsp. vegan margarine 3 1/2 c. plus 3 T. confectioner’s sugar

1 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 c. vegan cocoa powder

1/4 c. vanilla soy milk 1 c. chopped nuts (optional)

Lightly grease an 8 x 8-inch pan. Place the margarine, vanilla, and soy milk in a

heatproof mixing bowl, or the upper part of a double boiler. Sift the sugar and 1/2 cup

cocoa and add to the mixture. Place the bowl or boiler over simmering water and stir

until smooth. Add nuts if desired. Pour the mixture quickly into the prepared pan. Let

chill for at least 1 hour, or until set. Scoop out fudge with melon ball scoop and roll

into balls. Roll fudge balls in cocoa powder and set on wax paper and chill in air tight container. For best results chill overnight as the fudge will be firmer and more like

regular fudge.

Have a healthy Halloween recipe you want to share? Add it to the comments below or to our new discussion board.

Costume giveaway #2 ends this Friday! Enter today.

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009


Don’t forget to toss your name into the hat to win a f-r-e-e 100% cotton costume from Harrison’s!

We must have 10 entries to draw a name.

So tell your friends and then cross your fingers (and toes). These costumes are CUTE!

Enter here. (It’s quick and painless – just enter a comment to the blog entry.)

Where to shop for a Green Halloween? Etsy!

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

Etsy is full of fabulous handmade finds for year ’round green celebrating. From toys made from natural materials to upcycled jewelry for a night out on the town, Etsy has you covered  – in sustainable style.

But what about for a green Halloween?

Here are the “treats” Etsy  has in store… (click on photos for links)

pillow case

Vintage Raggedy Ann & Andy pillow case (for collecting treats and treasures)


Mineral Halloween makeup (without spooky ingredients)

wool acorns

Felted wool acorns

can lantern

Aluminum can lantern

snack baggies

Reusable snack baggies


Vintage Halloween chandelier earrings


Reclaimed velvet Halloween cloche hat

Do you know about other great, green Etsy finds for Halloween ? Let us know! Add your comments, below.

Green Halloween craft: Paper mache pumpkins

Monday, September 14th, 2009

I saw this post online today and thought you and your kids might be interested in giving it a try.

To be honest, this is not one that I’ve experimented with, but it looks easy and green as long as you substitute the materials listed in the instructions with the following eco ones (whenever possible):

Things You’ll Need:

If you make these pumpkins with your family, let us know about it by adding a comment below, or posting your photos to our new discussion board!