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Costume giveaway #2 ends this Friday! Enter today.


Don’t forget to toss your name into the hat to win a f-r-e-e 100% cotton costume from Harrison’s!

We must have 10 entries to draw a name.

So tell your friends and then cross your fingers (and toes). These costumes are CUTE!

Enter here. (It’s quick and painless – just enter a comment to the blog entry.)

2 Responses to “Costume giveaway #2 ends this Friday! Enter today.”

  1. Laura Rose Says:

    I am hoping to organize a green Holloween party for our nature group. Thanks for the resources!!

  2. ashraa Says:

    Very great products & designs .
    As they said healthy clothes are cotton made .
    Long time & safe using for old and children men or women

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Where to shop for a Green Halloween? Etsy!

Etsy is full of fabulous handmade finds for year ’round green celebrating. From toys made from natural materials to upcycled jewelry for a night out on the town, Etsy has you covered  – in sustainable style.

But what about for a green Halloween?

Here are the “treats” Etsy  has in store… (click on photos for links)

pillow case

Vintage Raggedy Ann & Andy pillow case (for collecting treats and treasures)


Mineral Halloween makeup (without spooky ingredients)

wool acorns

Felted wool acorns

can lantern

Aluminum can lantern

snack baggies

Reusable snack baggies


Vintage Halloween chandelier earrings


Reclaimed velvet Halloween cloche hat

Do you know about other great, green Etsy finds for Halloween ? Let us know! Add your comments, below.

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Green Halloween craft: Paper mache pumpkins

I saw this post online today and thought you and your kids might be interested in giving it a try.

To be honest, this is not one that I’ve experimented with, but it looks easy and green as long as you substitute the materials listed in the instructions with the following eco ones (whenever possible):

Things You’ll Need:

If you make these pumpkins with your family, let us know about it by adding a comment below, or posting your photos to our new discussion board!

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Healthy Halloween recipe: Pumpkin Bread

Many Paths Cover Image

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be featuring some delicious and healthy recipes that are featured in the forthcoming (10/09) cookbook book, Many Paths, One Journey to Health, written and published by Holistic Moms Network (HMN).

Like what you see? Stay tuned for HMN’s Vegan Fudge Truffles and Pumpkin Smoothie. Yum!


1 1/2 c. flour 2 eggs

1/2 tsp. salt 1/4 c. water

1 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. nutmeg

1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. cinnamon

1 c. pumpkin purée 1/2 tsp. allspice

1/2 c. olive oil 1/2 c. chopped walnuts

Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix with a mixer or by hand. Grease a 9 x 5 x

3-inch pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes at 350° F.


Have a healthy Halloween recipe you’d like to share? Add it to the comments, below or post on our new discussion board!

2 Responses to “Healthy Halloween recipe: Pumpkin Bread”

  1. Smoothies Recipes Says:

    Smoothies Recipes…

    A delicious way to loose weight…

  2. Tawnya Ringquist Says:

    This post looks delicious. Thank you!

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Green Halloween treat idea: LARABAR minis


I am SO excited to announce that LARABAR MINIs are now available for sale!

They’re perfect for Halloween and, in fact, are part of the inspiration behind the Green Halloween initiative.

My kids and their friends have always LOVED the taste (trick-or-treaters do too). I love them because they are made of whole, real, nutritious foods such as dates, nuts and fruits. Something for everyone.

And they have flavors for everyone, too.

My older daughter goes wild over Cinnamon Roll. My younger one, Ginger Snap. Hubby goes bananas over Banana Bread.

Me? I could practically live on Peanut Butter Cookie.

Haven’t tried LARABAR yet? Locate a Green Halloween event near you. Many will be giving away free LARABAR samples.

Are you a LARABAR fan? What’s your favorite flavor? Add your comment below.

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