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The media is catching on to Green Halloween

The closer we get to Halloween, the more we’re grabbing the eyes and ears of the media. And its no wonder. Green Halloween is an idea whose time has come. You are at the forefront of a revolution and if you want to help it along, be sure to comment when you spot a story online about Green Halloween. Or if you spy your local TV newscaster talking about an old-style Halloween, give her a call and let her know what parents are thinking about in providing a healthier and more earth-friendly alternative.

Here are a few of the most recent media experiences where I’ve talked up Green Halloween:

Martha Stewart Living radio

Radio Disney

And Green Halloween has been included in e-blasts from great online spots like Daily Candy

We’ve even got press from outside the U.S. in the Calgary Herald.

We’re uploading as fast as we can, but it’s difficult to keep up, especially with all the great blogs that are talking about us.  Thanks to the bloggers and to those of you who are visiting the blogs and posting comments about Green Halloween. It all helps to get the word out.


One Response to “The media is catching on to Green Halloween”

  1. Mr Green Says:

    You really have some amazing ideas for making one’s Halloween more green than usual!

    The decoration swapping idea is just brilliant!!!!

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Our bouncing baby book

Have you met our baby yet?

Watch the proud parents (us!) on You Tube (be sure to view in high qulity).

If you’re interested in adopting, or sitting, please let us know. It takes a village to raise a child.

A few things you might be interested in:

One Response to “Our bouncing baby book”

  1. Says:

    nice! [IMG][/IMG]

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Host a Halloween decor swap (now’s the time!)

I’ve been so excited to hear about all of the people organizing costume swaps. Everywhere I turn, I’m told that neighborhoods, churches, organizations, schools and groups of friends are finding ways to put “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” into Halloween action.

High-five to everyone.

But it suddenly struck me: Halloween is the second biggest holiday (after Christmas) for consumer spending on decorative items (in 2008 Americans are expected to spend 1.58 billion on decor alone). That’s almost as much as we spend on costumes (2.1 billion). We should be having decor swaps as well!

What do you think of this idea?

Have you done something like this in the past?

Share your opinions about it here (free AND zero-waste).

One Response to “Host a Halloween decor swap (now’s the time!)”

  1. Shaping Youth » Reverse Trick or Treating? Isn’t That, Um, Marketing? Says:

    [...] of costumes Halloween decor swap 10 tips for a green halloween Fair trade treats/tips Vegan [...]

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Candy concern

You won’t be surprised to know that I’ve been asked more than once, “What have your got against candy?”

Nothing, in and of itself. In fact, I’m a big fan of companies such as St. Claires, Pure Fun and Sjaaks that do it right. They make candy that is organic, ethically sourced and yummy.

I’m not against companies that make conventional candy, I promise, but I am against some of their practices and ingredients. I mean, candy is meant to be enjoyed, but it’s a little hard to take pleasure in it when you know that the chocolate you’re eating may have been grown by child slaves or that the ingredients used may cause short and long-term damage to those who consume it. The fact is, I don’t I want to see conventional candy companies go out of business – I just want to see them change their ways.

But it will also come as no surprise that change in the right direction won’t happen without you and I – The Consumer – demanding that the products we buy are both people and Earth-friendly.

So this Halloween, if candy’s your thing, make your voice heard by voting for candy we can all enjoy without a single worry, except how on Earth we’ll eat it in moderation.

See our candy page for more information and be sure to let us know about candy companies doing the right thing.

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So cute, I just had to show you…

I just love handmade treasures. Check out this adorable hand-knit rattle set from Yellow Label Kids! Of course, many more wonderful Halloween gifts, decor and costume-items can be found on, where artists (many of whom are “stay at home” moms and dads), can feature their talents and creative vision.

If you like what you see, take the Handmade Pledge for all of your holidays!

Of course, if you’re a crafter yourself, show us your artistry. We’d love to highlight you on our site.

One Response to “So cute, I just had to show you…”

  1. So bcute/b, I just had to show you… Says:

    [...] corey wrote an interesting post today onSo bcute/b, I just had to show youâ?¦Here’s a quick excerptI just love handmade treasures. Check out this adorable hand-knit rattle set from Yellow Label Kids! Of course, many more wonderful Halloween gifts, decor and costume-items can be found on, where artists (many of whom are “stay b…/b [...]

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