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Making A Halloween wreath

Whether to ward off vampires or to welcome your guests in eco-fabulous style, this garlic wreath (originally from William Sonoma) can be made by hand with garlic from your own garden or from the market.

Of course fall and Halloween wreaths can be made from more than garlic. How about using mini pumpkins, leaves or cat shaped cookies (hardened)?

Follow these directions for simple wreath-making how-to’s. Remember to use recycled, re-purposed and natural materials when possible. Don’t forget to send us your photos!

One Response to “Making A Halloween wreath”

  1. Marie Says:

    I would love to know how to make the garlic wreath. Could you help please.

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More Halloween contests

For those of you who love contests – here a few more you might be interested in:

Peppers & Pollywogs Green Halloween contest. Just enter to win a bag of Green Halloween goodies.

Kiwi magazine’s enter-to-win Halloween contest. The prize? A Green Halloween trick-or-treat ChicoBag and your very own copy of our new book, Celebrate Green!.

Eco-Mask Halloween Challenge & Auction from

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What do ‘ya think of these pumpkins?

Pumpkin carving, like anything else, can be an art-form.

But you don’t have to be an artist to create aesthetically pleasing pumpkins.

Look for inspiration in unexpected places such as in jewelry, wallpaper, even your hubby’s tattoo!

Check out this article on MSN for more gorgeous pumpkin pics.


One Response to “What do ‘ya think of these pumpkins?”

  1. freddie0915 Says:

    Great articles & Nice a site

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More creative costume ideas

I came across this post today from TheDailyGreen.

It has great photos of costumes you won’t find on any rack.

For some reason the images remind me of that quote, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”

Here are a few of my favorites, but if you need inspiration for your own get-up, check out this list of ideas.

It’ll surely get your creative juices flowing…


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See us on HGTV!


Okay, on their website, but still…

See us here.

We’re so excited! Thanks for the support, HGTV!

The Green Halloween team

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