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The Sugar Sprite & the gift of magic


Apropos of a previous entry (see “Gifts for the ‘ol Switcheroo”) I thought you might like to read the following, contributed by Sonya Bingaman, owner of one of my favorite online boutiques, A Toy Garden.


Remember that it doesn’t matter who you invite to “recycle” your child’s candy (be it the Halloween Fairy, Great Pumpkin or Sugar Sprite), or what stories surrounding this magical moment that you tell to your child. The magic is in the telling, and in the surprise of finding something new where something else once was, and of course, in the believing.


As the weather becomes colder, the Sugar Sprite requires more sugar to keep warm than she needs in the summer months. So, on Halloween, children dress up in costumes and go to their friends’ and neighbors’ houses to collect candy for the needy sprite. Although they do sample some candy along the way while walking around in the cold night air, Sugar Sprite children place their candy at the foot of their beds (or outside the front door, etc.) before going to sleep. During the night, the friendly Sugar Sprite comes in, takes the candy and leaves a gift of thanks. The Sugar Sprite knows what all children like, but sometimes the children write letters or make pictures for the sprite about a week before Halloween so she doesn’t get confused (she has to visit a lot of children to collect enough sugar for the coming winter!)


We’re  eager to hear your stories of the Season, be they magical, entirely real or some combination of the two. E-mail us today.

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Reverse trick-or-treating

Action: Reverse Trick-or-Treating

ChocolateCo-op America is once again teaming up with our allies at Global Exchange to support reverse trick-or-treating, the new Halloween tradition of children handing Fair Trade chocolate back to their neighbors.

The candy is attached to a card that includes information about social and environmental justice issues in the cocoa industry and how Fair Trade chocolate helps farmers across the world in cocoa growing communities. Last year more than 47,000 households learned about Fair Trade chocolate thanks to Fair Trade trick-or-treaters.  With your help we can reach even more people this year. This is a great way to speak with your neighbors about the scary side of the chocolate industry and the promise of Fair Trade!

You can order the free Fair Trade chocolate kits from the reverse trick-or-treating Web site, and if you choose to participate, please note that you were referred to the program by Co-op America. (The last day to sign up is October 13.)

You can learn more about Fair Trade and the problems in the cocoa industry (and download a free copy of our Guide to Fair Trade) by visiting

Order a free reverse trick-or-treating kit »

P.S. When you purchase a Halloween item (mini-bars or foil-wrapped chocolate balls) from our Green Business Network member Divine Chocolate, Divine will donate 10 percent of the value of the sale back to Co-op America. You can support Fair Trade and Co-op America at the same time! (Enter the coupon code “COOP” when you place your order.)

Note from Corey: This article was reprinted with permission from Co-op America. I ordered my free Kit today and will let you know how it goes! For more on trick-or-treating for good initiatives, click here.


One Response to “Reverse trick-or-treating”

  1. Green Halloween » Blog Archive » It’s Reverse Trick-or-Treating Time Again! Says:

    [...] here at Green Halloween are active participants in promoting Reverse Trick-or-Treating since 2008. We think it’s a great way to [...]

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BabyLegs 2-part contest

Green Halloween & BabyLegs 2-part Contest

1) Now through October 3rd, send us your ideas for new steps your family will be taking to celebrate a healthy and Earth-friendly Halloween. We’ll choose our five favorites and send them a three pack of Halloween-themed BabyLegs.

2) Then, we invite everyone to send us photos of your kids* dressed in costumes that incorporate BabyLegs of any style. Photos are due November 3rd.

We’ll post the pictures online. The family that submits the best photo (preference given to handmade styles that incorporate a “green” theme, of course!) will win a pair of BabyLegs of their choice (excluding “super soft”).

By the way, we love BabyLeg’s new organic line and think you will too.

*Contest open for kids up to age 14

2 Responses to “BabyLegs 2-part contest”

  1. Sarah Simpson Says:

    Hi there,

    My favourite part of Halloween is carving a pumpkin, but, like cutting down a tree just to put a star on it, I can’t help but think of the obvious waste. This year, instead of buying the inedible large carving pumpkins, our family has decided to use smaller sugar pumpkins and squash for our carving creations. The night before Halloween, we will carefully scoop out all the useable flesh with a melon baller and make a pumpkin curry to eat for Halloween dinner. You could also make a hearty pumpkin soup and serve to neighbours who need to warm up on a brisk October evening!

  2. Wendy Says:

    Well, I am really late and the contest is over! But I just had to tell you about what we did for Halloween last year. Instead of having the kids trick or treat, we turned Halloween on its head. We planned a full, fun day of baking and cooking (basically…healthy) and dropped off the food at our local food bank. My girls thought it was very exciting and it kept them busy and out of the candy. We still got them a few Halloween treats, but we felt much better about the day and the season. :)

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Gifts for the ‘ol switcheroo

Does the Sugar Sprite visit your house on Halloween night?


How about the Great Pumpkin or Candy Witch?

In my house, the Halloween Fairy comes, eagerly looking for candy that she can soon turn into fairy dust. (Her magic won’t work without it.) My children are just as eager to give up their loot (leaving it on the front porch) knowing the treasures she’ll leave in its place will be way better.

What does she leave in exchange?

One or two little gifts, like autumn-themed books , an unusual game, or perhaps tickets to the local children’s theater. Our Fairy also likes to add a personal touch with homemade treats like pumpkin muffins.

If your family would like to invite the Halloween Fairy/Sprite/Pumpkin/Witch to your home (and they do need to be invited), you may want to have a chat with them about what goodies you’d like to see swapped.

Here are a few of our favorites (in addition to anything handmade or gently used):

Magic Cabin also has a huge selection of wonderful Halloween and fall themed gifts for children of all ages. My children love their Halloween tea-set, nesting cats, and fall fairies.

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Hijiki Salad: A new Halloween tradition?

I admit it.

I’ve got Halloween on the brain.

While having lunch at the deli of my local co-op, I was drawn like a moth to flame to a bowl behind the glass featuring an orange and black salad with an oddly un-Halloweenish name: Hijiki.

Call me crazy, but I think this could be a new Halloween tradition. You heard it here first folks.

Why do I so highly suggest it? Not only is it the perfect color (think: edible decor), it’s full of iron, protein, calcium and zinc!

Intrigued? Check out the recipe on PCC’s website.

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