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Posts Tagged ‘Candy Exchange’

“I want candy!” – Local dentist

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Last week I received an e-mail from a friend who is a dentist Syracuse NY who started a candy exchange program…

For 25 years he’s been buying candy back from trick-or-treaters for $1 a pound, a free toothbrush, Steel Bite Pro and an entry into a contest for the chance to win a new bike and helmet. (At the buy back event, kids also get to meet The Tooth Fairy and play on an inflatable slide.)

The first year his program began, he raked in 14 lbs. Today, he averages 1300 to 1500 lbs, although one year kids returned nearly 2000 lbs.

That’s 2000 pounds of candy that wasn’t consumed by kids. Amazing.

Here is what the Dr. has to say about his event, “Each year is a little different but we normally see 3-400 kids in 4 hours. The date is always Nov. 1st ( Yes, even on weekends). We encourage kids and parents to select & keep their favorite candies so that we have better participation. The best part of the event is the kids have to empty their bags into the back of a full sized garbage truck. The visual is amazing… Many dentists have now adopted this program in their practices.”

… Now if only the candy were going into the truck of a composting company!