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Posts Tagged ‘FrestEthics’

ForestEthics Halloween initiative

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

Thought I might up the ante a bit for some of you advanced Green Halloweeners– ase the holiday to battle one of the most ghoulish and wasteful practices of our time: junk mail.

On Halloween, parents all over the country will be driving a petition for a national Do Not Mail Registry, either as they go door to door with the kids, or as they pass out candy from their homes. ForestEthics gives parents all the materials they need to get started at – including fun costumes for you and the kids!

The stats on junk are truly horrifying: 30% of all the mail delivered in the world is US junk mail, and the emissions of junk mail’s logging, production, and distribution equal the CO2 emissions of more than 9 million cars. 100 million trees fall each year to fuel something we don’t want and never asked for in the first place.

Since March, ForestEthics has sponsored a campaign to establish a national Do Not Mail Registry that will give Americans the choice to stop receiving wasteful junk mail. The petition is at, and has recently passed 65,000 signatures.

Parents are already mobilized in Chicago, Orlando, Madison WI, and Columbus & Akron OH. Go to and let’s make this a bona fide national happening!