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Posts Tagged ‘contest’

Fame, cool prizes & feeling good with 2009 ChicoBag-Green Halloween contest

Friday, June 26th, 2009


ChicoBag & Green Halloween (that’s us!) have just announced the launch of the second-ever, trick-or-treat bag design contest:

Create a BOOTIFUL design and see YOUR CHILD’s ART on a bag sold nationwide!


Help raise funds for a GHOULISHLY great cause!

(Last year’s bag was even featured on “The Bonnie Hunt Show!”)

Interested? Get out the art supplies and invite your kids to create a design that captures the “spirit” of Green Halloween…

Here are the details:

Who: Children ages 1-13

What: An original design depicting the “spirit” of a Green Halloween. Remember, artistic talent isn’t judged, but the art that best depicts the theme will be the winner.

In addition to some shriek-worthy prizes, winners gain the pride derived from creating art that will become a treasured part of Halloween traditions for thousands of children throughout the country.

When: Images due at the Green Halloween offices by October 24, 2009 by 5:00 PM Pacific Time. The winning design will be announced on Halloween 2009. Winners will be notified by November 5th.

Why: The hope is that participating children will be inspired to think about and make greener choices for Halloween (and other celebrations throughout the year) and will be proud to help a great charity.

A portion of the proceeds from bag sales will be donated to Treeswing, a nonprofit organization that promotes healthy eating and lifestyle habits for children.

Why #2 (the prizes): First place winner receives $500 from ChicoBag, as well as a bag of great green goodies. Second place scores a $100 gift card to a “green” toy store and a bag of fabulous green goodies. The runner up receives a bag of green goodies.  We’ll be announcing the green goodies all summer long, so stay tuned!

Click here for where to submit artwork and other information for Moms & Dads.

Bags featuring the winning design will be available for Halloween 2010!