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Posts Tagged ‘Corey Colwell-Lipson’

Green Halloween founders featured in 2 parenting magazines

Saturday, November 14th, 2009

mothering cover copy

Article: Sustainable season’s greetings: creative ideas for meaningful, eco-friendly celebrations that honor diverse traditions

By: Corey Colwell-Lipson & Lynn Colwell

Corey & Lynn wrote the feature article in the November/ December issue of Mothering magazine, available in stores now.

The 7-page spread is a dream come true for the mother-daughter duo because Lynn wrote for Mothering when Corey was a child! Now here they are, writing together on their favorite subject, in one of their favorite magazines.

KIWI N-D cover

Article: The holidays, unplugged

By: Charlotte Latvala

Corey was interviewed for the November/December issue of Kiwi magazine! She’s so honred to be included in a publication she’s head-over-heels for. Lynn and Corey also blog for Kiwi, so if you’re looking for year ’round tips on celebrating green, log on to Kiwi anytime here.

Catch Green Halloween founders on their new radio show

Friday, November 13th, 2009

You follow them on Twitter. You’re a fan on Facebook. You get all the news in the Green Halloween and Celebrate Green e-blasts.

Now there’s a new way to keep up with Corey & Lynn… On their weekly radio show!

Tune in Wednesdays at 10am PST on Toginet Radio or listen on your own time by downloading the podcasts.


This photo is of Lynn during a recent interview on NPR. Lynn and Corey actually record their Celebrate Green! radio show from the comfort of their own home in their PJ’s.

Have topic suggestions for our show? Caught our blunders? Want to be a guest? Let us know by adding a comment below…

Click for Corey!

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

vote copy

For the last two-and-a-half years, Green Halloween has been a labor of love for the initiative’s founder, Corey Colwell-Lipson.

Now, you can show Corey some love, too, with a simple click.

Corey is a contestant in Project Green Search’s “Green Girl” contest and she needs YOUR VOTE to make it into the finals.

(Winning would of course enable Green Halloween to be introduced to more people, everywhere. So your vote is a gift that will keep on giving…)

Here is how it works:

1. Go to Corey’s page on Project Green Search.

2. In the “vote” section, just under Corey’s picture, CLICK ON THE 5th STAR. It’s VERY important that you choose the last star as this is a rating system.)

3. Add a comment, if you would like to.

4. If you have access to computers with other IP addresses, you can vote again, otherwise it’s a one time shot!

5. Ask ten friends, family members or other people you know to vote for Corey too.

6. Stay tuned! Finalists are announced on 10/17.

Voting ENDS FRIDAY, so please take a moment to vote right now and to ask others to do the same.

Thank you so very much for your generous support! Click for Corey!!

- Team Green Halloween

p.s. Corey’s beautiful inside and out sister-in-law, Elena, is also a contestant. Please take a moment to vote for her as well!

p.p.s. (Note from Corey) To the hundreds of you who have already taken the time to vote, to add a comment or to forward this action alert to friends and loved ones, thank you. I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and enthusiasm and hope to make you all proud!

Green Halloween in Viva La Moda magazine

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009


Indie artists rock! Their creativity, initiative and individual approach excites us and so do their products. That’s why we’re delighted to be contributors to the fab online magazine, Viva La Moda.

In this month’s issue, we’ve selected some of the sweetest Halloween gifts imaginable, all handmade and most from

Take a look. We think these items will hook you on handmade (if you’re not already).
