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Posts Tagged ‘Just Cause magazine’

See our Green Halloween feature in the new Just Cause magazine

Monday, September 7th, 2009

Sept Cover

Check out our article on greening Halloween in the latest edition of Just Cause magazine, available for free online here.

If you haven’t read Just Cause yet, do. You’ll be inspired.

Here’s a little out them (in their own words):

JUST CAUSE is a magazine about solutions. Sure, we’re facing a lot of problems in this world, but we’re pretty sure that if we focus on the solutions, we can solve the problems. We bring you stories of individuals, organizations and businesses that are doing something GOOD, and you can join them!

We’re a tad irreverent, totally optimistic, occasionally sarcastic and absolutely convinced that we can change the world. What’s more, we’re convinced it can be fashionable, funky, fun and smart. We like business, shopping, eating, playing and all the same things that you do, and we’ll help you do all those same things in a way that is, at least, “less bad.” Maybe even downright “just!”