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Archive for the ‘Crafts’ Category

Halloween costumes to DIY for!

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

by Corey

Remember when you were a kid and Mom made your costumes each year?

… That is until she determined that you were old enough to craft your own.

OK, so my first attempt at costume design left a little to be desired, but at least my get-up made a big impression.

Over the years, we’ve shared posts of our favorite handmade costumes, but now we invite you to share yours! Post your pics on our Facebook page and inspire others! Imagine the memories you’ll be helping to create.

Celebrate Green’s DIY Costume Round Up

DIY costume: Little Viking

DIY for Mom, Dad & Baby: Griffin Family

Goodwill Get-Up: Laura Ingalls Wilder

Celebrate Green’s fave picks for DIY costumes for grown-ups

… And one of my all-time favorites… This Adorable (upcycled) Owl Costume

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.


Craft: Easy Halloween Countdown Calendar Banner

Friday, September 23rd, 2011

By Lynn

I love countdown calendars like the one that has become a Christmas tradition in our family, because they allow the excitement before any holiday or celebration to build and also can help families create a bit of together time in the midst of busy lives.

For Halloween this year, I decided to combine a count down calendar with a banner/bunting, for a unique, interactive decoration.

I made 31 paper pockets, each with a number between one and 31 (for the days leading up to Halloween). Each can contain a “love note,” an idea for a family activity or a small healthy treat or treasure. All are attached to a length of ribbon with clothespins. String the ribbon like a banner in a child’s or family room.

Each evening, gather the family, pull the slip of paper from the dated pocket and unclip the pocket from the ribbon. Store everything to be brought out next year on October 1.

In making the banner, I wanted to use only what I had on hand. So while I’ll give directions for the calendar banner below, know that you don’t have to do it the way I did. I’ll even point out alternatives to some of what I used. Hopefully there will be no need to hit any stores to complete your own masterpiece!


16 pieces of black heavy weight 8.5×11 paper cut into 31 pieces 4″x8.5″  I was fortunate in that a friend of mine had stopped scrapbooking and gave me lots of paper including an unopened package of black cardstock which is what I used. Of course you can choose other colors or designs from what you have on hand.

Pumpkin and cat stamps (Again, choose or make stamps with a Halloween theme.)

1 piece each, orange and yellow heavy weight paper

Black stamp pad (or paint)

Stapler (Or use tape or a glue gun.)

Small embroidery type scissors

Pop dots (Or something that will make the pumpkins and cats stand 1/2 inch off the paper. I had some of these dots, but when I ran out, I used small pieces of cardboard as spacers.)

31 spring type clothes pins (I have these and use them regularly. I don’t care whether they’re decorated or not so I just used what I had on hand. If you don’t have any, you could punch a hole in the pockets and add a ribbon or string to hang or maybe you have some clip type curtain rings or bent paper clips.)

Burnt orange paint

1/2″ wide paint brush

Variety of orange and black ribbon

Number stickers from 1 to 31. (I had an odd assortment of number stickers so I used those. You could also write the number with a white pen, cut them from magazines and newspapers or stamp with white paint.)

Other stickers and ephemera like sparkly gemstones, buttons, feathers etc.


How to:

1. Fold one piece of cut paper into a cylinder with a diameter of about 1.5″-2″ .

2. Staple once inside where paper overlaps, then on the outside, press down on the bottom of the cylinder and staple twice. (If you prefer something neater you could use double stick tape or glue inside. Personally I like the look of the staples.) Make 30 more cylinders. (By the way, you also could use toilet paper roles and paint them as was done on this wonderful countdown calendar from Maya Made which was an inspiration as I made this one. Unfortunately for me, the TP we buy sticks to the tube making it difficult to impossible to remove it and interfering with the painting idea.)

4. To make the pumpkins and cats, decide how many you want of each, then stamp on yellow and orange paper and cut out with embroidery scissors making sure to leave a little bit of the paper at the edge as you cut. If you cut without that edge, when you glue them to the black paper, you won’t see the whole shape.

5. Attach pumpkins and cats to pockets using pop dots.

6. Stick numbers on the pockets and add other stickers and ephemera as desired.

7. Paint one side of clothespins with burnt orange paint. Let dry.

8. On some clothespins, tie bows. On others, glue ribbon the length of the pin over the paint. You also can add rhinestones, buttons or anything else that fits with your theme.

9. Lay out the 31 pockets side by side and stretch a piece of ribbon or string the length of all the pockets adding about 12″ at each end.

10. Tie each end of the ribbon to 2 post or nails, then attach the pockets in order.


If you make a similar calendar banner please share it with us.

Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and authors of  Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, and founders of Green Halloween®.



Celebrate Green (this Halloween)! It’s Easy.

Friday, September 9th, 2011


Busy parents need greening to be simple. Whatever the choice may be (goodies, costumes, décor, etc.), adding an eco-friendly twist shouldn’t increase stress and chaos to an already hectic holiday season.

But making healthy and green choices is, in fact, easier than it seems.

The key is thinking (and acting) outside the conventional candy box.

  1. Plan ahead. Halloween is a fairly last minute holiday, resulting in a lot of knee-jerk choices that aren’t good for kids or the planet. But if you make a habit of thinking ahead, you can find exactly what you want while saving time, energy and reducing stress. One idea is to create a reoccurring appointment in your calendar for each October 1st. Decide what you are going to give away this year and, if necessary, order it online or pick it up. If you have the bandwidth to coordinate with a few friends or co-workers, you can save money by buying online, splitting the quantities and dividing the shipping charges. If the recycled plastic tops or eco-themed temporary tattoos are a hit, make it easier on yourself by giving the same thing away next year. (Make your green goodies a tradition.)
  2. Take a different road. Who said goodies have to be bought at grocery stores? Most of us run out to the grocery store the night before Halloween to pick up that 10 pound bag of candy (or two), but what if we realized that great, green goodies can be found elsewhere, too? What about picking up some seeds while you’re at the nursery? Or some cool glass beads when you drive by the art supply store? Playing cards with magic tricks, recipes and Halloween jokes can be found at bookstores and toy stores. Lots of ideas for “treasures” can be found here.
  3. Include the kids. Going green is a family affair, so make it easier on yourself and include the kids by asking for their ideas. When they’re involved from the get-go, they’re more like to stay involved and to have positive attitudes.
  4. Relax. Going green isn’t an all or nothing deal and busy moms have a lot on their minds and plates. So start with simple green steps that will work for your family this year. You can always add more the next time around. Holidays should be about the fun, not about the stress. Even green choices, if stressful, won’t be sustainable over the long haul.

Other ideas:

The loot

  • When it comes to which goodies to hand out, take a cue from doing laundry. Why? What “treasures” do your kids stash in their pockets? Polished rocks, feathers, seashells, and other items from nature are timeless treats for children of all ages. (And we’ve polled thousands of kids – toddlers to teens – who say goodies like these get two thumbs up!)
  • No matter what goodies you give away, give just one (instead of handfuls). When we were kids, most of us received one treat and each door, but now everything is supersized – including trick-or-treating. Giving away just one of something is easy to do, costs you less and is better for children and the planet. And here’s a tip: Place goodies in a bowl and let kids know  – with barely contained enthusiasm – that they can choose just one really special treat. When you do, something magical will happen. The kids will get excited about picking that one perfect treasure – more excited than if they had received a handful.
  • Many stores have healthier options for Halloween, but they might not know it (or market them as such). Take a quick stroll through the aisles and consider treats and treasures such as: Larbars, honey or agave sticks (may cost as little as 5-10 cents apiece), Stretch Island fruit leathers, all natural gum (like Glee Gum), or mini packs of all natural or organic crackers, granola or granola bars, cookies, or dried fruit. For treasures, stickers, bookmarks and pencils all made from recycled materials. Click here for a big list of ideas.
  • If you want to give out candy, consider organic options such as Endangered Species “Bug Bites” and look for candy in bulk. While still made with sugar, organic and all natural ingredients are better for children and growing foods organically is better for the planet and the people who grow them. Companies such as Surf Sweets sell organic candy with low price points.


  • Go green, save time and money by shopping for your child’s costume at a consignment or thrift shop such as Goodwill.
  • Celebrate National Costume Swap Day ( Have a lunchtime costume exchange with co-workers who are parents, or with your church, after a weekend soccer game or combine it with a ladies night.
  • Set the timer and let your kids go on a hunt through the house looking for Halloween costume components. (Be sure to tell them if any parts of the house are off limits). Let their imaginations fly. Instead of being a superhero or television character, the might just want to flex their creative muscles and be something unique.
  • If buying, look for costumes made from petroleum-free fabrics that are less likely to contain phthalates, lead or other toxins.
  • For the goody bag – use something you already own that goes with their costume. A chef can carry a bowl, a mountain climber a backpack, a princess a purse, football player a helmet, etc. Or go with the adorably eco, keepsake, reusable Green Halloween® trick-or-treat ChicoBag®.


  • Instead of buying petroleum based or disposable décor items, think about using items from nature such as pumpkins, gourds, hay, etc. When you’re done, simply toss them into your yard waste bin (if allowed in your area) or compost. Or buy items that are recycled, upcycled, handcrafted or ethically sourced (e.g. Fair Trade) such as those found here.
  • Candles are a popular Halloween décor item, but paraffin is an unsustainable product and contributes to poor indoor air quality. Instead choose 100% beeswax candles (available at most health food stores in a rainbow of colors, shapes and sizes). They burn cleaner and longer and don’t make as much of a mess. They also smell naturally sweet.
  • Instead of buying décor for the entire lawn, consider decorating just the doorway. Go simple in the house, too, by choosing one area to spruce up. Focusing and simplifying will save time, money and resources.
  • At the end of the holiday, pack reusable décor away carefully so that it stays in good shape and can be used for years to come. (Remember, when it comes to holidays, reusing=traditions.) While it may take some extra effort at clean up time, doing so will save money, time and resources in the long run.

Party food

  • Don’t make food ahead, instead, make it an activity. Here are a few ideas that are easy and fun to make (not to mention healthy and high on the ‘yum’ scale):
    • Pumpkin smoothies
    • Pumpkin seed “gorp”
    • Halloween pizzas (use pre-made, whole wheat crusts and have available orange, black and green veggies to customize)
    • Halloween-ka-bobs (let kids make their own with Halloween colored foods)


Putting some green into your Halloween does not have to be difficult or costly. In the continuum of being green, all families can hop on board! You can start wherever you are. For example, if your family eats organic and shops mostly locally, Green Halloween offers additional ways you can make your holiday even healthier and more green with tips even seasoned health-conscious parents will find useful. If your family has yet to try healthy alternatives, this is a great year to start. The Green Halloween website ( offers even green-newbies fun, easy and affordable ways to start new holiday traditions your whole family will enjoy. Being a part of Green Halloween means trying one new tradition–or trying them all. By going green for just one part of your Halloween, you’ll be making a difference you and your family can be proud of.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

How to Celebrate a “3R” Halloween: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

We all know the 3R’s – Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.

But applying them to Halloween? Might not seem so obvious.

We’ll make it easy -

Here are three simple ways to put the 3R’s into your holiday.

Reduce – Instead of handing out handfuls of candy to each little ghost and goblin, consider giving just one of something.

You’ll save money and your decision will likely be better for the health the children who come to your door (since they’ll consume less) and for the planet since fewer resources will go into the making, packaging, transporting and/or disposal of the treat. Reducing can be applied to all of your holiday choices. And if you have reason to be concerned that your guests, kids, neighbors or husband will get scary on you when you announce your new plan to cut back on behalf of kids and the planet?

Try reducing by just 25%. Chances are, no one will notice but you and your Mother Earth.

Reuse – Halloween could be the poster child for reusing.

Nearly every aspect of the holiday can be celebrated in style without buying a single thing new. So don’t rush out to buy costumes, décor and party games.

Instead, stop and think. What can be reused or repurposed to make this holiday a smash hit without costing the planet?

Rent, borrow, swap or construct costumes from existing materials (making Halloween costumes from scratch can increase the fun factor, too), and keep your lawn ghouls and orange LED lights year after year. You might get tired of seeing them, but guaranteed, you’re building a tradition – one the kids in your home and neighborhood will remember.

You wouldn’t want to mess with good memory making, now, would you?

Recycle – The best way to utilize the third and final R is to first, choose items that are made from recycled content instead of buying products made from raw or virgin materials. When the product you’ve bought or acquired can no longer be used, it should be recycled.

Recycling can happen in many ways such as through your waste management company, your compost pile (yes, most food can be recycled) or through your own creativity. Breathe new life into your husband’s old flannel shirt and jeans, for example, by recycling them into a scarecrow for your front porch or a costume for your ten-year-old.

And no matter what, always, always, compost made-by-nature Halloween décor such as wilting pumpkins and gourds instead of throwing them in the trash. Uneaten Halloween candy can also be “recycled” just be sure to remove the wrappers first.

p.s. We think “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” would make a great group costume for three siblings or friends! What are your ideas for think-out-side the box, green-themed costumes?

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

Picky Eater? Try Crafty Moods

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

At Crafty Moods, the quirky online site for crafters and the like, Trish somehow manages to find the time to run the blog, think up creative recipes and crafts, and still manages to run her home as the busy mother of two baby boys.  How does this creative mom do it all and still manage to entertain picky eaters?  Trish has managed to find some fun and unique ways to get her family to eat their dinner with style.  Here’s how:

Pasta Nest

Here's one way to get your kid to eat!

A heap of pasta

Step One: Cook up some plain pasta to create a nest

A pasta nest for your meatball birds

A pasta nest for your meatball birds takes no time at all!

Cooking the birds

Step 2: Cook your meatballs to design your birds

Bird eyeballs made out of candy

What You'll need: Candy eyeballs

An orange makes the beak

What You'll Need: An orange to make the beak

Meatball birds need beaks and eyes

Step 3: Use a butter knife to cut the hole for the beak and eyes

Pasta nest on a celery branch

Step 4: Do add a celery stalk to create a branch for your birds nest

A Different Nest Perspective

Step 5: Eat and enjoy! So cute your kids will love it!

To see the full-recipe and check out more fun and creative recipes with Trish, visit:!  She’s amazing!


Blogger Laurali Star can also be found on The Damsel in the Attic and her blog.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.