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Posts Tagged ‘Halloween express’

Tom Arma’s Halloween (green-er) costumes

Monday, October 12th, 2009

You might have heard about the line of absolutely adorable costumes made by Tom Arma, the “most published baby photographer in the world” (according to the company selling his products).

While Tom’s costumes are made from conventional materials, they are a step ahead of other conventional costume lines because Tom’s line:

  • Offsets it’s energy usage with renewable energy
  • Prints costume inserts on recycled paper
  • Makes the costume durable to last (and to be worn for year ’round dress up or passed on to younger siblings)

Of course, we would love to see the costumes and other packaging (e.g. the plastic outer packaging) made from recycled, upcycled and sustainable materials, and the costumes made Fair Trade, but we applaud “baby steps” and encourage you to let companies like Halloween Express know what you think, as well. (And don’t forget to let us know what you think by adding your comment below.)

Thank you to Robert Henry from Halloween Express for letting us know about these unique green (-er) Halloween costumes.
