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31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day 5

by Corey

Welcome to Day #5 of our

31 days of {Green!} Giveaways

Today’s question: What are the best ways to make Halloween healthier for kids?

Today is day #5 of our month-long, trick-or-treating party for parents!

Just knock on our door (AKA blog) each day, answer the daily question (in lieu of shouting, “Trick or treat!” – although you are totally welcome to write that as well) and you’ll be entered to win some absolutely fabulous, ever-so-eco-friendly prizes.

Today’s prize package is worth $100!



Specialty Gift Basket includes healthy-for-family goodies and other gifts from Nature’s Path.

Ships to continental US and Canada only

Here’s how to enter:

1. Add your e-mail address to the comment login, below. (We cannot notify you if we don’t have your e-mail address!)

2. Add a comment (one per e-mail address) with your answer to the question above.

3. Comment must post before 11:59pm PST – TONIGHT

Be sure to review our giveaway rules here. Please note shipping limitations.

Be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook & Twitter for daily reminders & updates for the 31 Days of {Green} Giveaways promotion.

Good luck & have FUN!

(see you tomorrow ;) )

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

36 Responses to “31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day 5”

  1. Sarah J. Says:

    I try to make it healthier for my little one, by having her donate her candy after trick or treating to the troops overseas.

  2. Keya Millionie Says:

    Im not sure if you’re looking for a specific answer but how we make halloween healthier is better candy (vegan, allergen free, ect), choose healthy snacks for a movie night (apple slices, veggies carved into spooky shapes, a pudding made with avacado). Little changes make a big difference.

  3. Robyn Says:

    You can hand out things other than candy such as halloween themed pencils, bottles of bubbles, pack of crayons, note pads, erasers… the list is endless! Buy them cheap after halloween this year and store them for next year.

  4. Sharee Says:

    Hand out non-food items (which is safer any way considering the rise in food allergies) like pencils, erasers, markers, etc that will actually be used vs just plasticy junk that will be thrown away. We don’t use face paint (though I know there are some safer ones available they aren’t easily accessable). And we walk around neighborhoods vs drive our car.

  5. Laura Says:

    Avoid candy– and especially candy with artificial food coloring! Many kids are adversely affected by it and their parents have no idea… my daughter has meltdowns and tries to hurt herself. I’m not very excited about having to take candy away from her, so I might stop by a couple neighbors ahead of time and give them something else for her.

  6. Alea Shinn Says:

    We give the majority of it to the dentist office who collects it to send overseas. Passing out candy – you can give trick or treaters – coins, stickers, pencils, pretzels or other non-candy alternatives. =)


  7. Stephanie Says:

    We like to give out stickers, tatoos, pencils, balls, and games!

  8. Diane Y Says:

    To make Halloween healthier, I give out non-food items such as Halloween themed pencils, erasers, bookmarks etc. I know I hated to get those things instead of candy, but it was nice to have new pencils for school and some cool erasers!

  9. Cindy Cowan Says:

    We pass out Apples, and granola bars to help make Halloween more healthy!

  10. Amanda J Says:

    I like to pass out (dark chocolate) Bug Bites! If I’m going to hand-out chocolate, I’d rather hand-out an organic, fair trade chocolate as opposed snickers bars and the like. Some kids don’t like the dark chocolate, but I’ve never met a parent who turned one down!

  11. Rebecca O Says:

    For our Halloween we go to fall festivals, and apple picking/ pumpkin picking at local farms. This gives an air of nature rather than candy candy candy. We don’t do conventional trick or treating.

  12. Christopher Miranda Says:

    I don’t hand out candy, but every year my brother and I turn his house into a haunted house! It’s a lot of fun, and all the kids in the neighborhood have a great time. We thought it was better than handing out candy or items that may end up in a landfill, and it gives the kids a fun experience and something to look forward to each year.

  13. Nicole D Says:

    I love making caramel apples rolled in nuts for Halloween, because it’s fruit, AND a bit of protein!

  14. lanette C Wright Says:

    Make them run from house to house while trick or treating.

  15. Amy J. Says:

    Make the kiddos give most of the candy they receive to their parents, that way mom and dad get a treat and save them for special occasion treats. You can encourage them by buying a few cool gifts or offering a trip someplace fun in return for their treats.

  16. Tonya Rader Says:

    Offer healthy snacks/treats instead of candy.

  17. Kirsten Says:

    We realize that candy is going to be a part of her Halloween. So we try to make everything else healthier..we go to local farms and buy produce and participate in the farm activities…

  18. Robin O Says:

    It’s a good idea to substitute organic granola bars and fruit snacks for super-sugary candy, so kids don’t overload on too much of the sweet stuff on Halloween.

  19. Rachel Says:

    I limit the number of pieces my son is allowed to have each day–It stretches the candy out (we’re usually still eating it at Thanksgiving!) and allows him a treat without us having to worry about sugar overload!

  20. Sheryl Says:

    Buy candy that doesn’t have high fructose corn syrup!

  21. Anne Lehnick Says:

    Just don’t let them eat a bunch of candy. That’s the simplest way.

  22. Yvette Rogers Says:

    We only wear perviously worn costumes. This helps my budget + reduces waste = a happy planet. What could be healthier?

  23. Beth Cohen Says:

    We try to focus on FUN activities and keep the actual trick-or-treating to a minimum. We make stops just to our favorite neighbors…this reduces the amount candy significantly.

  24. Dawn Burton Says:

    My favorite thing to do with my children is take them to a Fall Festival where they can play fun games and win prizes. Some of the prizes are less than healthy: candy, but I have them trade in their unhealthy “winnings” to me (to donate) for healthy treats and/or small non edible items that I know they’ll love.

  25. Michael Theroux Says:

    Simply, give them fruit

  26. Elta Says:

    the key word is ‘treat’ whatever is collected is put up and out-of-sight and reach and given once and awhile as a treat. It is one night that they get to go a little wonky ~ the other 364 days of the year (give or take) is filled with healthy yummy food.

  27. Tanja Says:

    We trade their collected candy for a non-food gift & a few allergen-free/organic candies so they don’t feel left out of the sugary traditions they are already aware of. We also pass out non-food treats to those who knock on our door.

  28. Leslie McCann Says:

    My daughter trades all her candy in for an activity: zoo, park day, etc.

  29. Heather Keane Says:

    oh …here it is…
    healthy snacks…including apples from the garden and honey or nut butter or sunflower butter…yummy… making crafts and putting on the windows…
    Eating ORGANIC…of course..

  30. Kyle Says:

    Sure, healthy snacks are great to promote healthy living choices to kids, but let’s be serious, what kid wants to get a protein bar or veggies from you on the night of Halloween? Part of being healthy is exercising. Instead of driving your kids to the next neighborhood over to stock up on all the goods on October 31st this year, walk with them over there, or better yet, bike! We could all use an extra little bit of cardio in our daily routines, and its never too early for our kids to start!

  31. Joan Says:

    Here’s one outside of the box: Give each one of your little trick or treaters a recipe for a Homemade pumpkin pie, using a real pumpkin. Not only do pumpkins have a nutritious benefit, but this idea will encourage kids to make more meals and treats from home, which tend to have less fat and less sugar in them.

  32. Miranda Johnson Says:

    Buy Annie’s Homegrown Bunny Fruit Snacks instead of mini candy bars.


    bctripletmom at gmail dot com

  33. Margaret Berze Says:

    Treat and Trick…I would use re-use Halloween bag. Also, walking with no battery flash light. Use shaking flash light at evening to walk. I would advertise to everyone what’s Path Natures. Its healthy to use instead of giving candies. I would put all candies into recycle. LOL smile Give all of people Path Natures. I believe in the natures. Save our globe. If I live in a house would giving kids nature path bars for trick and treat. Or donate to food bank, red cross, troops and more.

  34. corey Says:

    Oh, wow!! What a wonderful, thoughtful, creative list of ways your families make Halloween healthier for kids & planet!! (It’s truly amazing how many options there are). From choosing healthier goodies, to walking (instead of driving)as you go door-to-door, to carrying a human-powered flashlight, and focusing on the FUN instead of the stuff – there’s something for everyone.

    Great to see what ideas resonate with you.

    Congratulations to today’s winner (as chosen by – Diane Y!!!

    Thank you for playing and sharing with us, everyone! We hope you’ll join the conversation daily through Halloween…

    XO, Corey

  35. Kimberly Chastain Says:

    trick or Treat!! give me something Good to eat!! lolololol

  36. Amber Saxby Says:

    I get to go through their candy (and keep the good stuff!) and then we put it up so they only get a few pieces a day. After a while they kinda forget about it!

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Join our #GreenHalloween #TwitterParty! 10/13/11

Celebrate the Halloween season with an EEK-O-friendly extravaganza:

#GreenHalloween #TwitterParty!

Hashtag: #GreenHalloween

Follow: @GreenHalloween

October 13, 2011  6-8pm PST

Get tips & tricks

  • Healthy for kids & planet treats & “treasures”
  • DIY costumes, make your own face paints, recycled decor & more
  • Seasonal, Earth-inspired activities
  • Ideas for a waste-less, spend-less holiday that keeps all the fun
  • Find Green Halloween® events near you
  • *Win* great, green gifts & goodies

And WOW! Just look at our special guests…


  • Honest Tea – @HonestTea
  • Goodwin Heart Pine – @HeartPine
  • Kiwi magazine – @KiwiMagazine
  • Red Tricycle – @Red_Tricycle
  • Practically Green – @PracticallyGrn
  • Endangered Species Chocolate – @ESC_Chocolate
  • Nature’s Path – @NaturesPath
  • Stretch Island Fruit Co. – @StretchIsland
  • Revolution Foods – @RevolutionFoods
  • Plum Organics – @PlumOrganics
  • Surf Sweets – @SurfSweets
  • Angell Bar @OrganicCandyBar
  • Mr Halloweenster – @MrHalloweenster
  • – @EcoMom
  • Celebrate Green! – @CelebrateGreen
  • Today I Ate a Rainbow – @eatingarainbow
  • Terrafirma Cosmetics – @MoMoGirl
  • Damsel In the Attic – @DamselInAttic
  • Neighborcare Health – @Neighborcare

Non-profit partner

  • Goodwill Industries International – @GoodwillIntl

Event partners

  • Womentorz – @Womentorz
  • LiveGreene – @ShopLiveGreene
  • Natural Luxe – @NaturalLuxe
  • Eat Cleaner – @EatCleanerFood
  • EcoPartyTime – @EcoPartyTime
  • Divine Moms – @Divinemomz
  • Green Halloween Daytona Beach – @GreenHalloween1
  • Los Angeles Costume Swap – @LACostumeSwap
  • Anna Clark – @annaclark

Hosted by: The Smart Mama – @TheSmartMama

How to join the party

1. Join or log on to Twitter

2. Follow @GreenHalloween

3. Use hashtag (#) #GreenHalloween to “chat” in the party and to follow other participant’s posts

Hint: You may find it easiest to use a (free) program such as Hootsuite or TweetDeck to participate. New to twitter parties? Do a quick Internet search for “how to participate in a Twitter party” and you’ll find dozens of tutorials.

*RSVP by adding your Twitter handle in a comment below to be eligible to win prizes!

Prize partners: Honest Tea, Kiwi magazine, Nature’s Path, Stretch Island Fruit, Revolution Foods, Angell Bar, Celebrate Green! & Lunchbots.

(One entry per handle. Most prizes will ship only to the continental U.S.; some may ship to Canada. If you cannot accept a prize, prize will be offered to another event participant.)

And check out our events page for more virtual and real-live events from now through Halloween!

103 Responses to “Join our #GreenHalloween #TwitterParty! 10/13/11”

  1. Anne Lehnick Says:

    I put a comment on the FB page note, but wasn’t sure if I did that all wrong, so I’m putting one here, too. Hope that’s not a problem. If so, please delete this one. Thanks! :-)

  2. Mo Fields Says:

    @mosunnydaze will be there! I’m looking forward to the party.

  3. Carol Goodwin Says:

    @HeartPine will be there!

  4. Anne Lehnick Says:

    Just noticed I didn’t add my Twitter handle in the blog comment (I did to the FB comment). It’s the first comment on the post.

    Anyway… @candyland0606

  5. Elizabeth C. Says:


  6. Stephanie H Says:

    @shebert610 will be there!

  7. Christina W. Says:

    @cloud2sunshine wants to be there!

  8. Ashley lloyd Says:


  9. Jennifer Says:

    Looking forward to it! @naturalluxe

  10. Jamie C. Says:


  11. Amanda B Says:

    @kidscostumeswap will be there on 10/13

  12. News Junkie Says:

    happy Green Halloween ! news_junkie

  13. Lauren Lawson-Zilai Says:

    @GoodwillIntl is proud to be a nonprofit partner for the 2011 #GreenHalloween initiative.

  14. Sandy @Modern*Simplicity Says:

    sounds fun! @modernsimplicty

  15. Julie Davis Says:

    I will be there @finntannermom

  16. saph @ frugal wife blog Says:


  17. Alivia Hunter Says:


    @LACostumeSwap will be there – I have college that night so I wont be able to stay online long. I’ll see if anther volunteer can take over for me after 6:30 pm

    I LOVE having twitter parties and really looking forward to Thursday.

  18. Amber Saxby Says:

    @amberesaxby will be in the house for an EEK-O-friendly extravaganza!!

  19. anne Says:

    see u there!

  20. Roxanne Says:

    Fun! @roxyinthegarden

  21. Robin O Says:

    I’ll be there! @rkosully Thanks for the fun!!

  22. Charity Says:


  23. Sally Duren Says:

    @mrstrophywife1 can’t wait!

  24. Emily @ Random Recycling Says:


  25. Amanda @beeacutie2 Says:

    Will be there @beeacutie2

  26. Meghan Says:

    Sounds awesome. Will be a little late but will be there @immortalb4

  27. Christine Says:

    RSVP :)

  28. Laura Evantz Says:

    I will be there! Can’t wait! @lauraevantz

  29. Drew Says:

    @eigenbroetler . Sounds fun!

  30. Robin Says:

    @rkosully Looking forward to it! What an amazing list of sponsors! #GreenHalloween

  31. Kimberly Stanford Says:

    @mommyconnectTN will be there!

  32. Shannon Schulte Says:

    @SweepsMama sounds fun!

  33. Shannon Says:

    @Shanshea I love this! Great sponsors :)

  34. amber Says:

    @aawhitehead thinks this sounds like lots of fun with great sponsors.

    Thank You.

  35. AmyK Says:

    @Akauz Thanks!!

  36. Alea Shinn Says:

    Sounds fun!! @alealshinn

  37. Ana Zambrana Says:

    @LucasitosMommy–see you soon!

  38. Tanya Bright Says:

    cool! @brightbirdsoap

  39. #GreenHalloween Twitter Party Extravaganza! Great Info, Fantastic Prizes! : The Smart Mama Says:

    [...] prizes, make sure you are following @GreenHalloween and then RSVP by leaving your Twitter handle here in the comments. Then, join us for the #GreenHalloween Twitter party on Thursday, October 13, 2011, [...]

  40. Agatha Says:

    Count me in!!!!! :) RSVPing

  41. jeannine m Says:

    i love these parties @mellanhead

  42. Paula Caudill Says:

    Sounds like a awesome party!! I’ll be there!! @sexyknickers68_

  43. Amanda @ The Eco-Friendly Family Says:

    @EFFBlog Sounds fun!

  44. Lisa Says:

    @mailgirl will be there!

  45. Kathy McCrae Says:

    RSVP add me! #GreenHalloween, thank you! —> @KatM21

  46. Amber Says:

    @AmberGoo will be there!

  47. Michelle L Says:

    @Mkokopelli will be there

  48. Bernie L. Says:


    Cant wait to join the party

  49. Karla Sceviour Says:

    I am from Canada..thanks.

  50. Erin ( Says:

    Can’t wait! @greenkidsguide will be there!

  51. Heather Zeh Says:

    rsvp for @hzeh818. See ya’ll tonight!

  52. Carla Says:

    RSVP @xstitchschool

  53. Kezia P. Says:

    RSVP for @KeziaPigford

  54. Miranda Johnson Says:


  55. Cindy Cowan Says:

    RSVP and can’t wait!! @cin_20

  56. Alicia Says:

    I’ll be there! Looking forward to it! :)

  57. Alicia Says:

    I’ll be there! Looking forward to it! :) @lili_katz

  58. Andrea @ The Greenbacks Gal Says:

    So glad I just saw your tweet about this! Look forward to attending!

  59. Cory Says:

    Eastern time?

  60. Cory Says:

    oh I see pacific.. I’ll try to stay up

  61. JoeyfromSC Says:

    Will be there!


  62. Danika @ Your Organic Life Says:

    I’ll try to be there.

  63. @ChaCha572 Says:

    RSVP as @ChaCha572

  64. Karns Says:


    Looking forward to the party tonight!

  65. shauna casolari Says:

    rsvp for @scasolari

  66. Cory Says:

    yes i’m going

  67. Cory Says:

    oh ok @aquarianbath is going

  68. petritia selvi Says:

    rsvp for @petritiasylves

  69. The Goodwill Gal Says:

    Party of one please. The Goodwill Gal


  70. Tiffany Says:

    @o0tiffyo0 will be there :)

  71. Lisa Borden Says:

    How could I miss an opportunity to help GREEN Halloween!
    In support,

  72. Lisa Borden Says:

    Oh – twitter handle –

  73. Daedra Says:

    Lisa Borden told me to come!

    Architect by training. Mother by choice. Creator of Strawesome Glass Straws by pure passion.

  74. Shelly Says:

    I want to #win @shelly05x

  75. Avi Says:


    parents can stay warm on halloween with some green tea in a travel mug! :)

  76. Sarah J. Says:

    @memama107 will be there! yay!

  77. Keya Millionie Says:


  78. Lien Says:

    @linging168 will be there!

  79. nina Says:

    looking forward to it :)

  80. nina Says:


  81. Tracy P Says:

    I’ll be there! @cloud10277

  82. Kathy K Says:

    RSVP’ing @Unkatchable73

  83. shruti Says:

    @shrutispeaks will be there!

  84. Nature's Path Says:

    We wouldn’t miss it! @NaturesPath

  85. Summer Says:


  86. Dana Says:


  87. julie (etsy stalkers) Says:

    Can’t wait to partayyy!


  88. Gretchen@HealthfulMama Says:


  89. Carrie Says:

    Can’t remember if I already RSVPed or not, so I’m doing it again! @huppiemama

  90. mom4everever Says:


  91. SunRae Says:

    rsvping @sunrae17

  92. Crunchy Con Mommy Says:

    I’ll be there as @CrunchyConMom :)

  93. Kellie Kluger Says:

    rsvp @keltom2

  94. Melissa Says:

    I’m @rmgm :)

  95. denaya Says:

    RSVP @NJchic28

  96. Sadie Says:

    RSVP @OhioCatfish

  97. Kathleen Says:


  98. @lovinmomma88 Says:

    RSVP :) at party @lovinmomma88

  99. Patricia Alner Says:


  100. Michelle @ Simplify, Live, Love Says:

    @simplivelove is there!

  101. Katie Says:


  102. Laura Perkins Says:

    Joining late!

  103. corey Says:

    Thank you so much for coming to the party everyone! What an amazing event it was! Thank you for all of your idea and input. It’s truly incredible to know how many fun ways there are to make this holiday healthier and more sustainable.

    If you missed some of the conversation, be sure to search for #GreenHalloween and twitter – where you can find all of the great tips & tricks that were shared.

    Congratulations to our prize winners! And be sure to check in on our blog DAILY through October as we have green giveaways every day through Halloween.

    Hugs, Corey

Leave a Reply

31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day 4

by Corey

Welcome to Day #4 of our

31 days of {Green!} Giveaways

Today’s question: “What was your very first Halloween memory?”


Today is day #4 of our month-long, trick-or-treating party for parents!

Just knock on our door (AKA blog) each day, answer the daily question (in lieu of shouting, “Trick or treat!” – although you are totally welcome to write that as well) and you’ll be entered to win some absolutely fabulous, ever-so-eco-friendly prizes.

Today’s prizes will all help you and your family stay clean and green!

Here’s what we have for October 4, 2011…

Eat Cleaner: One Pack of six (6) Eat Cleaner Wipes and a Bottle of Fruit and Veggie Wash Concentrate with a reusable produce Bag; $10.

One set of three (3) Preserve Jr. Toothbrushes, $10


Good for You Girls: Complete Skin Care Starter Kit $19.99


All of today’s prizes ship to the continental U.S. only.

Here’s how to enter:

1. Add your e-mail address to the comment login, below. (We cannot notify you if we don’t have your e-mail address!)

2. Add a comment (one per e-mail address) with your answer to the question above.

3. Comment must post before 11:59pm PST – TONIGHT

Be sure to review our giveaway rules here. Please note shipping limitations.

Be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook & Twitter for daily reminders & updates for the 31 Days of {Green} Giveaways promotion.

Good luck & have FUN!

(see you tomorrow ;) )

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

35 Responses to “31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day 4”

  1. Frances Moritz Says:

    My first Halloween memory is when my parents hosted a Halloween party at our (then new) house and converted the sitting room into a mini-Haunted House that had to be crawled through. Among other slimy and squishy things, there were wet sponges and oysters (out of the shell) for people to encounter.

  2. Amanda J Says:

    My first Halloween memory was going over to my grandmother’s house and trick-or-treating in her neighborhood with my cousins. I remember how pleasant the weather was, and how everyone in the neighborhood was out having a good time. That’s one of the main things I love about Halloween, that it’s a community affair.

  3. Christopher M Says:

    My first Halloween memory is when I was dressed like Peter Pan one year. I LOVED Peter Pan and I felt like the ultimate hero, bigger and better than Superman or Batman, or any of the other more popular heroes.

  4. Diane Y Says:

    I remember when I went trick-or-treating one year and one of my neighbors had assembled a haunted house. It was incredibly scary! Other nearby neighbors volunteered in the house, and at the end, he had someone chase you off the property with a chainsaw (chain removed, it just revved up). All the kids and adults had a blast!

  5. Kristen M Says:

    My first Halloween memory was winning a costume contest dressed as a scarecrow. I was 5 or 6 years old.

  6. Sarah J. Says:

    First memory that trumps all is having my little girl dressed up the 1st year she was born and staying home handing out candy with her.

  7. Penny Says:

    My first Halloween memory was probably when I was four. We wore costumes to preschool, and I was dressed as Penelope Pitstop, complete with my dad’s racing helmet. Nobody told me that I should take the helmet off for naptime, so I lay down on my mat with that big heavy thing on my head. I’m sure I didn’t get any shuteye!

  8. Wendi Says:

    My first memory is going trick or treating with my sisters with pillow cases. (I guess we were pretty optimistic!) and having them filled with candy and costume jewelry. Then we would run back home, empty the contents on our beds and run back out for more. Then we would come home all tired and sit on the floor trading candy and goodies.

  9. Alea Shinn Says:

    I remember my cousins and us would all go trick or treating in my grandma’s neighborhood with our pillowcases – after we were all done trick or treating we would have a weighing contest to see who got the most candy! It was always a lot of fun =)


  10. Denise M Says:

    My first memory was dressing up like a witch and going trick or treating at the mall by my house. My sister was in a stroller and i got to walk, i was happy about that.

  11. Tanja Says:

    The year I broke my arm and my mom had to make me a Red Riding Hood cape as it was the only costume that could fit over my cast.

  12. Amber Saxby Says:

    I don’t remember what I was dressed up as, but I can remember it was freezing cold and I didn’t want to stop because I wanted to get more candy!

  13. Kelly Boatright Says:

    I didn’t celebrate Halloween growing up due to families religious beliefs. As an adult, my first Halloween I dressed up at work… it was a lot of fun. I still like dressing up for the holiday!

  14. Anna Lindquist Says:

    My first Halloween memory was of our neighbor across the street. He always tried to scare us with same mask every year. The first time he got me good.. He was such an awesome man though he spoiled us with treats. I think I remember this fondly as well because when I was ten he passed away and his wife did not want to celebrate because it was his favorite holiday. I remember going to her house with my family and her sons and decorating like her husband did.. She felt better and loved because we chipped in to make it a happy moment for her..

  15. Sharee Says:

    Looking at our family calendar in the kitchen and listening to my mom explain Halloween to my little brother. :-)

  16. Michelle Jankowski Says:

    My first Halloween memory is dressing up in the wonderful ghost costume that my mother made for me. She was so creative and always made our costumes for us. We never had to buy those cheap store ones. We would go trick-or-treating with my cousins and get a ton of candy. Good memories.

  17. Leah Bernhardt Says:

    Trick-or-Treat….My first Halloween memory is when I was about 4 years old, and my Mom, even though she was very sick, made my older Sister and myself witch costumes and we piled into our VW bus and Dad drove me, my Sis, and my Mom,so she could see us, through the neighborhood to trick or treat. I never realized that we didn’t have alot of money at that time and that’s why mom made our costumes, I just thought that it was because she was so talented and loving. I still believe that, because she is. I hope to be that for my Son as well.

  18. Laura Brewer Says:

    My first memory is wearing those awful costumes that came with a plastic molded mask & a sack like costume. Do you remember those from the early 70′s? I think it was a cat costume.

  19. Yvonne Says:

    My first memory is dressing up as princess Lea from Star Wars when I was six or seven. It was one of those costumes with the plastic mask they used to make, but I loved it!

  20. Shannon Longcore Says:

    I have a terrible memory, but I do remember going to a Girl Scout haunted house when I was a kid, and I was dressed as a ghost, which was literally a sheet with a hole cut in it, and then fringe cut. I had a white stocking over my face, and my usual worn out converse sneakers on. So basic, but cute.

  21. Kirsten Says:

    My first memory is getting these delicious homemade popcorn balls that the old lady down the street gave out. We all loved them. Later on she couldn’t do it any more because of those stupid razor blade scares..

  22. Stefanie Says:

    Dressing as a stereotypical witch complete with a big mole on my nose, and a BIG grin – thanks, Mom, for taking pictures!

  23. rosanne Says:

    reciting “trick or treat, smell my feet, gimme something good to eat!”

  24. Anne Lehnick Says:

    I remember going to the school’s Halloween fair and my mom was reading Tarot cards at a booth there.

  25. Robin O Says:

    On the first Halloween I remember taking a Haunted Hayride…lots of pumpkins and scary “ghosts”!

  26. Nikki Says:

    I was a clown & my older sister was a witch and I was so jealous of her costume

  27. Randi Says:

    I remember making a paper chain skeleton and thinking it was just the worst thing ever, but my mom hung it right on the front door for Halloween and left it up till Thanksgiving. <3

  28. domestic diva Says:

    My first memory was being terrified when my dad came out in a monster mask.

  29. Ann E Says:

    I remember going to Heck’s, a local store, to shop for a costume with my mom. The only ones left were Lucy from the Peanuts and some super hero guy. Needless to say, I was Lucy and grumpy about it.

  30. jeannine m Says:

    going trick and treating with my younger siblings, it snowed that Halloween. We went to one house where the lady yelled at us that Halloween was canceled because it was snowing.

  31. Amy J. Says:

    I was a princess with the chicken pox. My brothers carried an extra bag while trick or treating and brought home candy for me. I got to stay home and drop a pulley rigged spider that my dad fixed up on each child who rang the doorbell.

  32. Summer Says:

    My first memory is being a punk rocker. It was my favorite costume. I had funky neon hair and a crazy outfit :) We would trick or treat for hours and come home with a pillow case full of candy.

  33. corey Says:

    Thank you for “trick-or-treating” with us today! We so enjoyed reading your sweet, silly and spooky first memories!

    Today’s winner (as chosen by had a memory of her mom hanging up a skeleton chain that she made at school (but wasn’t so proud of)- and Mom kept it up to Thanksgiving! Thanks, Randi, for sharing your story and congratulations on winning today’s green goodies!

    The Day #5 giveaway is already up! Be sure to check it out.

    Here’s to happy holiday memories!

    XO Corey

  34. Jessica Says:

    This is fantastic! :) I had already decided to do the trade-in for healthy goodies this year. Loved reading about all the other great ways to make Halloween even better! Thanks!

  35. Danielle Says:

    My mom and memre spent months making my dream costume for me. A sparkly purple unicorn costume! I remember putting it on for the fist time and feeling that excitement! also knowing how hard the special women in my life worked making it for me, made it feel SO much more special than anything that could be bought at a store.

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Do you Know a Kiwano?

We came across a very interesting looking fruit the other day and we rarely pass up trying something new especially when it looks like this…


So we bought one and immediately cut it open as soon as we got home!  It was exciting to see what the inside would look like…considering the way the outside looks we figured it must be pretty good!  We were not disappointed…


The Kiwano also known as the Horned Melon has a very interesting flavor that is like a combination between a cucumber and a banana!  The texture is a bit slippery and jelly like!  The seeds are edible which makes it easier to eat because these guys are full of seeds!!!

We had a lot of fun exploring this fruit together…stay tuned for what we try next week!


Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!

2 Responses to “Do you Know a Kiwano?”

  1. JonHebert Says:

    Green Halloween is probably the best idea for our planet! But the truth is,
    it is not only the month for Halloween, but breast cancer awareness month!!! Treat yourself or a loved one because you care! I am just stopping by with a reminder to do your self breast exam.
    Here’s a fun place to start! Everybody loves boob lube!

  2. Lynn Says:

    Love that you experiment Kia. Might have to try this one myself!

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31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day 3

by Corey

Welcome to Day #3 of our

31 days of {Green!} Giveaways

Today’s question: “What was your favorite Halloween costume EVER?”


Today is day #3 of our month-long, trick-or-treating party for parents!

Just knock on our door (AKA blog) each day, answer the daily question (in lieu of shouting, “Trick or treat!” – although you are totally welcome to write that as well) and you’ll be entered to win some absolutely fabulous, ever-so-eco-friendly prizes.

Today’s prizes are worth $62!

Here’s what we have for October 3, 2011…


Gift certificate for (lead-free, mineral-based) Face Paints Set from Terrafirma Cosmetics. Value $24.99. Winner pays shipping.

Kids Konserve™ Orgininal Snak Pak. Value $22. Ships to continental US and Canada only.


Gift certificate for $15 at (Can be used at the Green Halloween® marketplace or anywhere on Winner pays shipping.

Here’s how to enter:

1. Add your e-mail address to the comment login, below. (We cannot notify you if we don’t have your e-mail address!)

2. Add a comment (one per e-mail address) with your answer to the question above.

3. Comment must post before 11:59pm PST – TONIGHT

Be sure to review our giveaway rules here. Please note shipping limitations.

Be sure to subscribe to our blog and follow us on Facebook & Twitter for daily reminders & updates for the 31 Days of {Green} Giveaways promotion.

Good luck & have FUN!

(see you tomorrow ;) )

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

54 Responses to “31 Days of {Green!} Giveaways: Day 3”

  1. Marni L Says:

    My favourite costume was dressing up as a princess; can’t help it!

  2. Anna Lindquist Says:

    My favorite costume was a beautifully sewn dragon costume my mom made for my oldest son when he was four. He was adorable. It lasted so well that my youngest son wore it one year as well before we passed it on to another..

  3. Jamie C Says:

    My sister went as a huge milk carton one year, Handmade costume). It was AWESOME!!

  4. Meghan Says:

    My fav costume was when I went as Raggedy Anne in um, ahem, 1976. OUch. That hurt.

  5. Stephanie Stoltenburg Says:

    Vampire! I have been reusing my costume for years. Each year I change it a little bit. Somehow being a vampire never gets old. lol.

  6. Tanja Says:

    My favorite was (and I still own it) being a cow – complete with udder. Cracks me up just thinking about it!

  7. Thea Says:

    My 3 year old went as a garbage man – he loved it! We had the workman’s helmet and orange pants, so I just made a quick bright yellow vest to go with it. We wrote on the back and put his name on the front with the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle logo.

  8. James Says:

    My favorite costume was one my wife came up with many, many years ago. I wore all black and my wife cut a capital letter E out of craft foam and stuck it to my chest. I was an E-male (e-mail)! I even wore a fanny pack as an attachment.

    It was quite a clever costume 12 years ago! :-)

  9. Brooklyne Montalvo Says:

    My favorite costume was a homemade Pocahontas costume! My grandma sewed it for me.. I was absolutely in love with Pocahontas that year and told everyone I was related to John Smith. Haha (and I really believed I was.. It was first grade ;) )

  10. Larisa Moore Says:

    My favorite was the costume I made for myself when I was 9 or 10: I went as a Hershey bar. I had two large pieces of white cardboard which I covered with two large pieces of dark brown construction paper, then painted the Hersheys Milk Chocolate logo with White-Out (we had all these materials around the house so it cost nothing though the White-Out fumes made me a bit loopy for an evening). I used yarn to tie the front and back together. I couldn’t sit down, but it was great for trick-or-treating!

  11. Erin Says:

    My favorite Halloween costumes were the ones we made as a family. My mom has always been crafty so I never wore a store bought costume for Halloween . One year my mom made me and my sisters ballerinas with home made tutus. I’ve taken the tradition of making Halloween costumes and have recycled old clothes and made every costume for my two kids.

  12. victoria lester Says:

    My favorite costume is BARNEY, which I dress my daughter up in.
    momsholidaycooking at gmail dot com

  13. Denise M Says:

    My favorite was She-Ra, my Mom and Dad still have the photo with them in their wallets. :)

  14. Mechele Johnson Says:

    My most memorable and favorite Halloween costume has to be the old school plastic Barbie mask with the plastic tie back pink dress. It was cheap, it made my face all sweaty, but I thought I was sooooo cool!

  15. Ann E Says:

    For me, my favorite Halloween costume was the cat costume my mom made for me when I was a kid. It was a lot of fun doing it together. For my daughter, my favorite costume was last year’s, a Cat in the Hat costume that I made with my mom when she was here visiting. That is truly one of my favorite costumes ever.

  16. jeannine m Says:

    My favorite is the mickey costume my mother made my son when he was 2

  17. Charlene h Says:

    My favorite costume was a ballerina princess! I felt like the most beautiful girl in the world!

  18. Nikki Says:

    My favorite was in Jr High I was a zombie newspapergirl

  19. carol Says:

    a princess!

  20. Elta Says:

    I created a Star Wars Padme Amidala costume (Geonosis Battle Scene) lats year ~ it was awesome, complete with slashes and cuts <3 I am making Ghostbusters (Ray Stantz) and Slimer costumes for my boys this year ~ cannot wait to see them all done!

  21. Eliza Klinger Says:

    My favorite costume was a “Cereal” Killer. You paste cereal boxes all over you and carry a knife. people at first wasn’t sure what I was, but loved it when I told them. Also by recycling boxes…how much more green can you get!

  22. John Joseph Says:

    My favorite is spider man costume

  23. Terra M Says:

    The granola bar costume I made for my son a few years back, I ate Fiber One bars for MONThS just to save the wrappers to create the huge body sized wrapper for his body! He looked awesome (but I don’t eat fiber one bars too often now :) )

  24. Beth Says:

    4 Of us girls went as Kiss we looked awesome!

  25. Sarah M. Says:

    Pirate wench!

  26. Sharee Says:

    My favorite costume EVER was a ghost… Super easy and fun. :)

  27. Shannon Longcore Says:

    My favorite was when I was a kid. We found a dog costume at Goodwill, and I used my own dog’s collar to make it more authentic. My dog was sooooo attached to her collar that she followed me all over wondering what I was doing with her collar. So sweet!

  28. Emily O. Says:

    My favorite was Carmen Miranda. All that fruit was heavy!

  29. Robin O Says:

    I was completely enamored with my Raggedy Ann costume. It was sooo great!

  30. Anne Lehnick Says:

    My mom made genie costumes for my sister and I one year. LOVED them!!!

  31. Corby Hackney Says:

    My favorite costumes were Crayola crayons…I handmade four costumes in green, red, blue, yellow, and black felt letters and the signature black wavy lines at each end of the labels….for my husband and me and another couple. We had the four matching “sharpened” hats and wore black tights and turtlenecks under them. We were all tall, close in heights, and the costumes were long on us. We were the best costumes at the Halloween party that year.

  32. Debbie Says:

    It was the last year I went trick or treating. I went as a supermarket checker, by far my best and most fav costume.

  33. Jessica LT Says:

    In 6th grade I was a “60s girl” in a white button-down shirt, high pony tail, and poodle skirt made by my mom. It’s one of my favorite pictures of me and my best friend!

  34. Courtney Says:

    My pippy longstocking costume. My natural redhair and freckles were perfect.

  35. Dawn Burton Says:

    My favorite Hallloween costume ever is when my mom made my sister and I Hobo costumes. It wasnt the fact that I loved the actual costume most of, so much as it is the warmth and love that I still feel knowing my mom poured her heart into it. <3

  36. Courtney M. Says:

    A penguin costume my mom made!!

  37. Dawn Burton Says:

    Oops…most of all, I meant to say :)

  38. Jennifer Says:

    My favorite costume ever was a fairy costume my Mom hand sewed for me. It was beautiful!!

  39. Michelle Says:

    I favorite costume ever was when I went as Mad Cows disease. Got a cow costume and fangs and then covered myself in blood. Made a sign that said Eat more chicken on one side and Beware Mad Cows disease on the other side, styled after the chic filet signs. Got a lot of laughs and comments from it, it was great!

  40. Deann Says:

    In the 70′s my sister and I traded off Raggedy Ann and Andy for the different parties we went to that year. Of course we both wanted to be Ann.

  41. Tangeline Says:

    My favorite Halloween costume was 3 years ago. I made a poison ivy costume to match my husband’s joker costume. We went on a little vacation to New Orleans for Halloween and had a blast! We dress up every year and we love it! I refuse to grow up!

  42. Amy Says:

    My whole family (5 of us) went as vampires!

  43. Lien Says:

    My favorite halloween costume is a bunch of purple grapes.

  44. Shelley Says:

    Cereal killer complete with victim cereal boxes

  45. Stacey T. Says:

    My favorite halloween costume has to be “Cardiac Arrest”. I was dressed as a heart and my husband (boyfriends at the time)dressed as a police officer. We had to walk around handcuffed to one another the entire evening. It was good fun and we like to come up with clever plays on words and whatnot.

  46. kimiko Says:

    I loved my capser the ghost costume!

  47. melissa Says:

    My favorite Holloween costume was my genie one! I loved looking likei belonged in Aladin

  48. Robyn Says:

    My favorite costume was a black cat. I bought a set of accessories (headband with ears, jeweled collar, and tail) and can wear it with any black (or white) outfit I want. If I want to be sexy I can add it to a sexy black dress or leotard or if I want to be comfy I can wear a sweatshirt and black pants. Best costume ever!

  49. Sarah J. Says:

    my husband and i went as zach and kelly(SBTB)- i handmade the bayside tigers shirt!

  50. diane m Says:

    i was a gypsy and loved the costume

  51. Christina N Says:

    Funny you ask, because tonight I searched way back in our closet and finally found my 9 year old son’s costume from when he was 1years old and put it on my daughter who is now 1 years old. We saved this one, because it is so hilarious. The costume is a green fire breathing Dragon, which cover her from head to toe with only her little face peaking out. But what makes it so funny is that it has a big belly, a big behind and a goofy tail, which makes this super silly creature that wobbles around. The entire family laughed and laughed tonight as my daughter sweetly said “ROAR!” Too bad we can post videos, because I think you would get a good chuckle out of this cute little creature. :)

  52. Rebecca O Says:

    Gothic Vampire. I thought I was so cool, though some people dress like that now normally. =)

  53. Heather Keane Says:

    I loved my first son Liam in his pumpkin costume! And then my younger boy wore it again when he was 1. Super cute…I can’t let it go… ;-)

  54. corey Says:

    Thanks for taking part in day #3 everyone! We loved reading about all of your favorite costumes! Please share photos on our Facebook page at!

    Congratulations to our winner (as selected by – Denise M.! Her fave costume (ever) was She-Ra (and her parents still carry a photo of her as She-Ra in their wallets!).

    Our day #4 contest is now live:

    Have a great day! xo Corey

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