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Posts Tagged ‘Green Halloween’

Green Halloween giveaway: 100% alpaca, Fair Trade mask & tail set

Thursday, September 24th, 2009


You know were wild for Oeuf.

The NYC based company has the most fabulous array of ethically and sustainably sourced items for family & home.

We’ve featured their adorable mask & tail sets in previous posts and added them to our new marketplace - and now is your chance to win a set for your child (comes in a trick-or-treat worthy natural tote bag).

Just add a comment to this post by Friday, October 9th at 11:59 PST. will help us choose the “winner.”

(Be sure to enter our giveaway for the a 100% cotton baby costume, too! See previous posts for details.)


Green Halloween in Viva La Moda magazine

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009


Indie artists rock! Their creativity, initiative and individual approach excites us and so do their products. That’s why we’re delighted to be contributors to the fab online magazine, Viva La Moda.

In this month’s issue, we’ve selected some of the sweetest Halloween gifts imaginable, all handmade and most from

Take a look. We think these items will hook you on handmade (if you’re not already).


Eek-o-fabulous upcycled Halloween art/decor

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2009

We adore people who make ingenious use of items that would normally be tossed. But when the “new” items being made have Halloween themes, our adoration is upgraded to LOVE.

Check out artist Tina Wick‘s creative transformation of no-longer-wearable clothing into eco-fabulous decor and gifts.

Which is your favorite?


Skull coasters (In a previous life: men’s shirts)


Frankenstein (In a previous life: paper towel roll and fabric remnants)


Candy corn pillow (In a previous life: corduroy clothes)


Halloween wall hanging (Previous life: wool coat, wind breaker and linen shirt)

More eek-o-fabulous items from Tina can be found at:

Last 100% cotton costume giveaway announced

Monday, September 21st, 2009

We had 9 entries for the second (of three) costume giveaways from Harrison’s Costumes, so unfortunately there was no winner. But fear not, green Moms and Dads, there’s one more giveaway before Halloween! (So if you entered previously, don’t forget to do so again!)

Here is the scoop for the third and final 100% cotton costume giveaway:


Celebrate your baby’s first Green Halloween with an adorable, 100% cotton get-up from Harrison’s Halloween Costumes! Designed by a hip Californian mama looking for cute and spooky costumes for parents, grandparents, and gift givers with a sense of humor.

Five styles available:

“Frankenbaby” (cute Frankenstein)
“Dracula” Vampire
“Scary Spider”
“Witchie” girl witch dress
“Vampira” girl vampire dress

Sizes 0-6 months only.

How to win?

All you need to do is reply to this post. Easy!

Harrison’s Halloween Costumes are the only 100% cotton (non-petroleum-based) baby costumes that we’ve seen on the market. They’re available for sale at

For other safe, eco-friendly costume ideas, visit our costume page.

Winners chosen at random. Comments must be received by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9TH at 11:59am PST. Must be at least 10 entries. One per person, please.

… Stay tuned for another great, green costume giveaway (this one from Oeuf).

More ways to follow Green Halloween! Facebook &Twitter

Sunday, September 20th, 2009

Thank you to those you following us on Twitter (1,600+!) at  CelebrateGreen and to our fans on Celebrate Green‘s Facebook page.

But we’ve had a number of requests for accounts specific to Green Halloween – and so we’re delivering!

Here are two more ways we can stay connected:

Green Halloween


Thank you so much to the team at Weisenbach Printing for the gift of their time in setting up the GH FB account!