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Posts Tagged ‘healthy’

Healthy Snacks by Color – PURPLE

Monday, August 15th, 2011

This is our final week of our snacks by color series and it happens to be my daughters favorite color…PURPLE!!!!  It can be a challenging color group to eat everyday as there aren’t as many options as the other 4 color groups.

purple snacks

Hannah enjoyed snacking on olives, frozen blueberries and purple carrots!

Some other purple snack ideas:

Eggplant chips
Dried Figs
Purple Pepper

Eating a Rainbow of fruits and veggies is a fun way to shop for and eat produce!  So when it’s time to serve up a meal or snack think of eating as many colors as you can!

Happy Healthy Eating,


Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!

Healthy Snacks by Color – Green

Monday, August 1st, 2011

This week was supposed to be yellow snacks but certain members of my family ate all my props :) So I will switch things up and do GREEN snacks this week and YELLOW next week!

Getting our kids to eat green fruits and veggies is so important for their optimum health as they are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytonutrients!  If that isn’t an easy task at your house I would highly suggest making green smoothies!  It’s an easy way to get those greens into your kids!  We usually put in a few cups of whatever fruit we have on hand, a cup of baby spinach and a cup of either coconut water or apple juice.  If you aren’t using any frozen fruit it’s a good idea to add some ice cubes to make the smoothie nice and cold!  If you think your kids won’t been keen on the green color of the smoothie just add blueberries to cover up that green! You can also start off with 1/2 cup of spinach or kale rather than the full cup! Patriot Power Greens supplements are a go to if, you don’t have fresh greens on hand. The have all the nutrition needed for healthy development.

Green snacks

This week’s Hannah had sugar snap peas, cucumber slices and a tropical green smoothie!  She ate the parsley garnish too :)

Here are some other ideas for healthy GREEN day snacks:

Green Pepper slices
Honeydew Melon

Next week will be YELLOW snacks!

Happy Healthy Eating,

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!




Making Healthy Apple Sauce!

Monday, July 4th, 2011

Making your own apple sauce is really easy and it’s another great thing to make with your kids!  They can wash the apples, peel the apples and if they are comfortable with a knife then they can help you chop up the apples too!  We sometimes like to have apple sauce as a treat after dinner and sometimes we just love having it as a little snack :)

We prefer to make our apple sauce without sugar, we just choose a naturally sweet and juicy variety of apple like red or golden delicious!

All you need:

1 pound of apples
5 -6 tablespoons of water
cinnamon (to taste we like to use a lot of cinnamon!)

Wash the apples.  Peel them, remove the core and then slice into small chunks. Place your apples into a saucepan and bring to boil. Reduce the  heat to a simmer and sprinkle in your cinnamon. Simmer the apples until t soft. Be sure to stir often to prevent burning!!!  We learned that the hard way :)   Once they are nice and soft you can serve warm or cold!

Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!



The School Lunch Crunch

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Our school year is winding down, just two weeks to go, that means we won’t be making school lunches for a couple of months!  So before we put away our lunch gear I thought I’d share how we tackle school lunches! Making lunches is a group effort at our house…that way one person isn’t left having to make lunches every single day. We have fun putting together healthy combinations and since we’re the Today I Ate A Rainbow family, we’re always sure to include colourful fruits and veggies!!!

I  like to involve Hannah in the lunch making process because I think it’s important for her to feel comfortable in kitchen and learn skills that will last a lifetime! We usually put together her lunches the night before school because our mornings are busy enough! She washes the fruit and veggies, chops things that are easy such as cucumbers, fills her water bottle and helps out any way that she can.  Our goal is for her to make her own lunches so the more we teach her now…the sooner that will happen!

The only thing I always do myself, is write her a note. Sometimes it’s a knock knock joke, sometimes it’s just a funny doodle, and others are messages of encouragement and love! It’s a way for me to be a part of her day at school and remind her that she’s special!

Making lunches together is a great time to connect with your child!  If your kids are finished the school year already then get them involved in making lunches at home!  Maybe they’ll even make you lunch one day!

Happy Healthy Eating

Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!



Cinnamon Apple Snacks

Monday, May 30th, 2011

Here is a quick and healthy snacks that is also easy on the budget!  Cinnamon Apples!!!!  All you need is an apple and some cinnamon!  This is one of my daughters favorite after school snacks and since she’s been in practicing her knife skills for years she’s actually able to prepare this for herself.

Step 1. Wash the apple


Step 2. Place the apple on a cutting board and make four cuts so that you are left with a square core

Step 3. Cut the slices to the thickness that you prefer and place apple slices on a plate and sprinkle with cinnamon

Step 5.  Enjoy your yummy and healthy snack!

Some snacks really are a snap :)

Happy Healthy Eating,


Kia Robertson is a mom and the creator of the Today I Ate A Rainbow kit; a tool that helps parents establish healthy habits by setting the goal of eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day. Kia is passionate about creating tools that help parents raise healthy kids!