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Archive for the ‘Recipes’ Category

Converting to Organic Food

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

If your considering converting to the organic food movement, here are a few things to keep in mind when you hit the grocery store.  Always look for the USDA Certified stamp, sticker, or symbol.  Keep in mind that meats will have this too.  The meat section of the supermarket often has chicken and cow meat that is hormone free and the animal is fed only pesticide free food to sustain life.  I would also suggest converting a little at a time, instead of all at once so that it wont be such a shock to your lifestyle.  The kiddies have to get used to it!  Make it fun for them too.  Make colorful veggies into caterpillars or artwork, you can find many recipes here on Green Halloween!

I love Life, I love Organic

Buying organic foods from your local farmer's market is a safe bet!

Blogger Laurali Star can also be found on The Damsel in the Attic and her blog.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

Posted in Activities, Crafts, Food (general), Fun ideas, Recipes | Edit | No Comments »

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Picky Eater? Try Crafty Moods

Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

At Crafty Moods, the quirky online site for crafters and the like, Trish somehow manages to find the time to run the blog, think up creative recipes and crafts, and still manages to run her home as the busy mother of two baby boys.  How does this creative mom do it all and still manage to entertain picky eaters?  Trish has managed to find some fun and unique ways to get her family to eat their dinner with style.  Here’s how:

Pasta Nest

Here's one way to get your kid to eat!

A heap of pasta

Step One: Cook up some plain pasta to create a nest

A pasta nest for your meatball birds

A pasta nest for your meatball birds takes no time at all!

Cooking the birds

Step 2: Cook your meatballs to design your birds

Bird eyeballs made out of candy

What You'll need: Candy eyeballs

An orange makes the beak

What You'll Need: An orange to make the beak

Meatball birds need beaks and eyes

Step 3: Use a butter knife to cut the hole for the beak and eyes

Pasta nest on a celery branch

Step 4: Do add a celery stalk to create a branch for your birds nest

A Different Nest Perspective

Step 5: Eat and enjoy! So cute your kids will love it!

To see the full-recipe and check out more fun and creative recipes with Trish, visit:!  She’s amazing!


Blogger Laurali Star can also be found on The Damsel in the Attic and her blog.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

Bento Boxes: Eco-Friendly Lunch for Mom And Child

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

While its true that more and more kids are receiving free or reduced lunches at school due to the recession, the lost art of the old fashioned lunch box is not dead.  Here is how to breathe life into your child’s lunch box with organic, eco friendly choices right down to the actual pail you use.  Another bennie,  if mom works outside the home, she can pack too!  A great habit to share with your child early on.

Bento Lunchboxes

This is the Flower Bento Lunchbox I used when I worked outside the home.

Choose Your Lunchbox:
I highly recommend Laptop Lunches because they are safe, eco-freindly, being made from recycled contents.  The bento boxes also come in a fun assortment of colors and shapes, which will appeal to children.  The bento box holds little containers so food can be placed strategically to make a well-balanced meal.

Bento Box Organizing Containers

An assortment of plastic containers and lids in the Bento box makes eating healthy easy!

Alien Laptop Lunchbox

How could kids resist a fun lunchbox like this?

Add To Your LunchBox:

  • Safe cookie cutters to create a sandwich in a fun shape makes lunch time fun!
  • Pretty toothpicks holds finger sandwiches and other textured food together with ease.  Make sure to use kid-friendly plastic, reusable toothpicks when packing for your child!
  • Edible flowers.  Yes, there are a wide variety of flowers that can be eaten in a salad or on the side, such as the chrysanthemum, daisies, and a variety of blossoms.  I suggest, checking this list before adding flowers!
  • Always add a love note to your child’s box to let them know how much you love them.  I guarantee, they will return the favor!

Happy, Healthy Eating!

Blogger Laurali Star can also be found on The Damsel in the Attic and her blog.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

Organic Spinach, Chicken, and Raisin Hot Salad

Monday, February 28th, 2011

This delicious recipe is not only easy to make but so healthy and delicious, even your kids will love it!


Organic Spinach Salad

A hot salad that even your kids will enjoy!


1 organic, hormone free chicken breast cooked and cut into bite size pieces

organic spinach

3 cloves garlic

1/4 cup of onion

1/4 cup of reduced fat feta cheese

1/4  cup of raisins

Handful of sunflowers seeds

1/4 cup of yellow pepper

2 capfuls of extra virgin olive oil

How to make this:

Heat skillet with olive oil to medium setting

sprinkle in garlic cloves, onion, and yellow pepper until lightly toasted

Add a half to a full bag of spinach and place a lid over skillet to wilt spinach

Take lid off, crumble with sunflower seeds, raisins, prepared chicken bites, and feta cheese

Serve hot!

Blogger Laurali Star can also be found on The Damsel in the Attic.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.

Oprah Goes Vegan

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Oprah and staffers at The Oprah show took on the challenge of going meatless for an entire week!  If  Oprah can do it, so can you!  Staffers say that going vegan for a week not only changed their bodies but their psyche.  Oprah’s vegan-guru, author Kathy Freston, claims that eliminating meat has a host of benefits such as, flawless skin, shiny hair, and nails that grow faster.  And, she claims, weight loss is a breeze.  Of course, there are also many environmental benefits. I’m even considering trying it with my daughter’s next week!  Are you up for the challenge? Follow the link for more great info!

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Blogger Laurali Star can also be found on The Damsel in the Attic.

Green Halloween® is a nationwide non-profit initiative started by mother-daughter team Corey Colwell-Lipson and Lynn Colwell. In 2010, Green Halloween became a program of EcoMom® Alliance and has events in cities across the U.S.